Chapter 15

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~Lost with you~

Kylie's POV

I looked up and saw Anthony.
"Follow me" he quietly said and dragged behind a building."What are yo-" I tried talking but Anthony cut me off "Just be patient" he said smiling as we were walking somewhere "But what about others?" I asked still clueless "They'll be fine" he said "Chase?" I said raising my eyebrows "We're not doing anything wrong,are we?" he stopped for a second and then we started walking again.
We got to a caffe with flowers everywhere.It was gorgeous.
"We're here" he said and looked down at me "Why?" I asked still confused.
"I wanted to spend some alone time with you" he said as his smile grew bigger.
Oh my God those dimples.
My heart was now beating like crazy.
I felt butterflies in my stomach.
I didn't know what to say.
"What?" he said laughing "Oh,nothing" I said shaking my head and snapping back to reality.
I was really staring at him,wow.
Nice move,Kylie.
I could really get lost in those eyes,though.
We walked inside and sat down.
Considering it was almost 10pm,there weren't so many people in there.
I ordered a decaff coffe,because I was not planing on staying awake all night long.Anthony got the same thing.
"You're really cute,you know?" Anthony said to me while he took a sip of his coffee "Thank you" I said and felt my cheeks now burning red "You're not too bad yourself,Reeves" I added and he smiled.
While we finished our coffee we talked for a little bit.I was smiling the whole time.
We spent like 20 minutes at the caffe and left.We decided to go back to our friends.
While we were walking I just stopped and looked around for a little bit.
I was amazed by this city.I loved it.
And even if it was already late,streets were full of people.
New York truly never sleeps.
I turned around and saw Anthony looking at me.I smiled at him and he smiled back.
Now we just stood there staring at each other.
Anthony started getting closer and closer.We were now inches apart.
"Can I try something?" he asked looking straight in my eyes.
"Try what?" I asked confused
"Can I just try something?" he asked slightly raising his eyebrows.
"You gotta tell me first" I said smiling at him "Just say yes" Anthony said slightly annoyed "Okay,you can" I said still not knowing what's happening.
I felt one of his hands on my waist and the other one on my cheek.
He started to lean in and stopped for a second.
I was blushing like crazy and heart was about to pop out of my chest.
He looked me in the eyes,down at my lips,then back to my eyes as if he was asking for a permission.
I slightly nodded and he leaned in.
He pressed our lips together and I put my arms around his neck.
Gosh,his lips are soft.
I felt like we were now the only ones on the streets.
I put my hand on his chest and pulled away.
I looked up at him and smiled.
He smiled back.
"You're a good kisser,Keith" he said smiling,with his hands still on my waist "I know,right?" I said jokingly,laughing. "We should go now,they're probably looking for us" he said breaking the silence.
It wasn't the awkward kind.
I felt comfortable around him.
"Yeah" I nodded "Also" I said looking up at him and pointing my index finger "Yeah,I know,don't tell Chase" he said "Exactly" I said and we started walking again.
We found them quickly after and went up to them.
"Where were you guys?" Chase immediately asked,looking really annoyed with us.
"We lost you guys,so we walked around for a bit and we found you again" I said giving him an innocent smile "Okay" he said not really buying it,but he brushed it of.
"Let's go back to the hotel,it's really late" I said and we went back ti the hotel.
We all got together in one room since we didn't feel like sleeping yet.
It was only 11pm.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Cassidy basically yelled excited "Or any other game?" I said knowing what it could lead to. Ya know. Truth or dare with bunch of teenage boys and girls.
No,thank you sir.
"But we want to play truth or dare" Cayla said puckering out her bottom lip "Yeah,we do" Noen added.
Everyone else looked at me and nodded.
"Ugh,fine" I said not wanting to do this.
"Let's go" Julia said and we all sat in a circle on the floor.

a/n:this chapter was rushed,sorry.
but they finally kithed:)
please comment some ideas im desperate.
i love you all <3

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