Chapter 10

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~Catching feelings~

Kylie's POV

I spent a couple of minutes thinking.
Those couple of minutes turned into an hour or two.
I couldn't stop thinking about what he said to me.
'He probably just said that to be nice.'
'He didn't even mean it.'
'Why do I feel like this?'
'I've only spent a couple of day with him.'
'I don't have feelings for him'
Those thoughts were racing through my head.I couldn't sleep.
I ended up falling asleep at around 3am.
I woke up to Chase yelling "I'm going to get groceries,I'll be back".
"Okay" I yelled as I got out of bed.
I got ready for the day and went downstairs to have breakfast.
I finished eating and I went to the living room.
I just sat on the couch scrolling through my phone.
I didn't have anything to do so I decided to text Cassidy to see if she wanted to go to the skating park.

Hey Cass


Do you want to go to the skating park with me?

Yes,of course I do.I'll bring some friends if that's okay.

Yeah,that's fine.Meet you there in 20

Okay,see you


I went to my room and took my skateboard.I left a note on the kitchen table so Chase knows where I am.
I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.
As I opened the door I saw Anthony approaching our door step.
What is he doing here?
"Hey,Kylie" he said "Uh hi" I said confused "What are you doing here?"
"Oh,um,I came to see if Chase is home" he said "No,he isn't.He went to the store" "Okay.Do you mind if I come in?" he asked "I um I actually headed out.I'm going to the skating park with Cassidy.Wanna come?"
Oh no,oh my God,why did I ask that?
"Yeah,sure.Just let me take my skateboard."
He took his stuff and we went to the skating park.
There I saw Cassidy with a few of her friends.
We approached them and she introduced us.
"Kylie,Anthony these are my friends;Cayla and John" Cassidy said gesturing her hand towards each of them as she said their names.
"Nice to meet you" Anthony and I said.
Afterwards we just skated around and joked for about an hour.It was really fun.We all got to know each other better.
We had a great time.
After a while,Cass and her friends had to leave and go home,so it was just me and Anthony.
We stayed in the skating park a little more after.
We got tired and sat on bench nearby.
"What do you want to do now?" I asked not making eye contact.
"Do you want to go home or we could go and grab something to eat?" Anthony asked.
I opened my mouth to start to talk but I was interupted by my phone ringing.
"Who is it?" "It's Chase" I said as I answered my phone.
"Hello" "Hi" I said "Where are you?" Chase asked "I'm at the skating park" "With who?" he asked confused "Anthony" I said glancing at Anthony sitting next to me.
"What are you doing alone with Anthony,Kylie?" Chase asked and you could already tell that he was getting angry "Chase,stop getting mad," I said "we were here with Cassidy and her friends,they left a couple of minutes ago" "Then why aren't you coming home?" he asked supiciously "We were about to go eat somewhere"
"Like a date?" he said raising his voice slightly.
"Chase no.We just wanted to go and eat" I said and before Chase said anything i cut him off "As friends"
"Okay" Chase sighed "I have to go now,I'll be home soon" I said "Bye Kylie" "Bye" I said hanging up.
"So" Anthony said "Where do you want to go?" "I have no idea.You pick"
"Okay" Anthony said grabbing my hand.
We ended up going to a nearby restaurant.Obviously I made Anthony sit by the window.How can I miss that chance?
We got our food and started eating.
We were talking and laughing the whole time.
Anthony is a great friend,not gonna lie.
We stayed at the restaurant for about an hour before we decided to leave.
We payed and tipped the waiter and headed out.
We were walking on the way home,holding our skateboards on the side.Anthony walked me home.
As we got to my door step I turned around and said "Thank you for everything today,I had fun" I had a big smile on my face "No,thank you for inviting me" Anthony said.
I gave him a hug and went inside.
As I closed the door I saw him wave at me and walk away.
"Chase" I yelled "I'm in my room" I heard him yell from upstairs.
I ran up to his room and lightly opened the door and went inside.
"I'm home" I said "I can see that,dummy" Chase said with a smile on his face.I sat on the bed next to him.
"So" he said "How was your 'date'?"
"Oh shut up" I said as I lightly punched his arm "It wasn't a date,I already told you" I was suprised he isn't mad.
"Good,because you know what we said about dating each others friends" he said "Yes,Chase,I know".
"I'm gonna go watch some tv downstairs" I said leaving his room.

*time skip to night*

It was getting late.I cleaned up the mess I made from the snacks and went upstairs to my room.
I took a shower and got ready for bed.
I had so much fun today.
Anthony makes a great company.
I felt so happy around him.

And...oh no...I think I'm catching feelings.

Friends or more than that? ~Anthony Reeves~Where stories live. Discover now