Chapter 11

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~Summer fun~

Kylie's POV

The time I spent with Chase and his friends was amazing.I felt more and more comfortable with them each time we hung out.
Although,I started feeling a little closer to Anthony.I maybe even like him,but let's not speak too soon.

I spent the past two weeks at home,shopping,walking around,skating and most of it was with Chase and his friends.I spent a lot of time with Cassidy,too.
Our dad is supossed to come home in a week,Julia in two weeks and luckily,Payton comes home in three days.I miss them so much and I can't wait to see them.
Today is a really rainy day.
I had nothing to do.
So I texted Cass to see if she can come over.

Hey Cass


Do you have any plans for today?

No,I don't.It's been raining all day long and I have nothing to do.

Do you want to come over.You can also invite Cayla if she wants to come.

I'll text her to see if she can come.I'm coming for sure.

Okay.See you

Cayla's coming,too.We'll be there in 20


See ya

I went downstairs and Chase was sitting on the couch watching tv.
"Cayla and Cassidy are coming over"
I said distracting him from the tv "Okay,cool" Chase said looking back at the tv.
After a few seconds he turned back to me and said "Wait" I turned to look at him "Can I invite some of my friends over so we can all do something together?" he asked "Yeah,that'd be great" I said.
Chase invited Anthony,Jaden and Noen over.
They were all about to be here.
We got some snacks and drinks ready for all of us and took some board games to play,because we would probably get bored.
I heard the doorbell ring and ran up to the door.
Cassidy and Cayla were standing there.We hugged and I invited them to come in.They greeted Chase.
We all sat on the couch in the living room and I said "Chase invited Anthony,Jaden and Noen over so we'll wait for them to come and then we'll figure out what to do".
They all nodded and we waited a couple more minutes until the doorbell rang again.
Chase opened the door and there they were.
They all came in and sat next to us.
We talked for a bit and Cassidy had an idea.
"Hey what if we.."

a/n:Hi guys!I'm extremely sorry for the short chapter.And the cliff hanger,but you probably can assume what will happen next.
Till the next chapter bye<3

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