Chapter 20

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~Uh oh~

a/n:im trying a new way of writing,tell me if you like this more

Kylie's POV

I could feel Chase's gaze pierce through my soul as he stared at both of us. I could see that Anthony felt very uncomfortable since he tensed up.

Chase got up off the bed and grabbed my arm as he pulled me a little further from Anthony.

"Kylie,wait in the hallway" he said and I did,because I did not want to fight right now.
"Anthony,we'll talk another time."

I heard the door slam as I saw angry Chase get out of the room.

"What the hell were you guys doing?" "You two are alone for way too much time and you never even tell us what you do." he asked angrily.

"We didn't even-" Chase cut me off as I tried to explain myself.

"You didn't what?Get to go out?Without us as you usually do" he said throwing his hands while talking.

"Chase stop." I said calmly.

"Kylie I know exactly what's been going on lately with you two."
I stayed silent so he continued
"It's been happening for a while,isn't it?" he asked lowering his tone a lot.

"Chase,I-" I tried to explain myself as I looked at Chase's face that had 'dissapointed' written all over it.

"No,Kylie.You broke the most important sibling rule we have."

"But nothing happened between us." I said and knew I was lying so I shook my head and added "Nothing serious at least."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked confused.

"Me and Anthony are not together.We are not a thing.Nothing is happening between us.We just kissed."

His eyes went wide at the last word.
I felt like he was about to yell at me and throw things around,because I could feel his anger in the air.

"Do you even like him?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah." I scoffed.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked once again.

I just nodded.

"This is the first and the last time we break our sibling rules.But if you guys really do have feelings for each other,then there is nothing I can do."

He shrugged his shoulders and continued "If you feel like being with him,do it. But if you end up being hurt,don't even try to be angry with me for acting like an older brother then."

He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Thank you." I said as I pulled back from the hug.

"Ugh,I hate you." Chase said smiling at me.

"You love me."


*time skip to night*

"I wanna go for a walk." Julia said as she sat up on the bed.

"It's late for a walk." I said considering it was already 8 pm.

"I don't wanna go either." Payton said.

"Who wants to go?" I asked and Julia, Cayla, Cassidy, Noen, Chase and Jaden raised their hands.
"Okay so you guys go and me,Payton and Anthony are staying here."

"Fine." Chase said and gave a look.

They left a couple of minutes later and I was left with Payton and Anthony in my room.

"I'm gonna order Uber eats." Payton said.

I looked over at Anthony,then back to Payton "Chick fill a!" Anthony and I said at the same time which made all of us laugh.

Few minutes later our food arrived and Payton left me and Anthony alone in the room "I'll be back lovebirds" he chuckled as he closed the door.

Anthony almost immediatelly sat next to me and said "I have a question for you."

"Of course,what is- Wait." I said as I picked up my phone that was ringing.

"Hello" I said "Who is it?" Anthony asked me quietly.

"Ethan." I mouthed.

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