Chapter 4

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~It all started with a live stream~

Kylie's POV

After a few minutes of being live,I saw a comment that no one could miss.I was confused.My fans were blowing up my phone.

"luvanthony:why don't you come downstairs?"

I stared at it for a couple seconds,trying to process what I just read.Did he really just comment that?Anthony Reeves?He has a huge fan base,he knows what people can think."I can't" I said shaking of my thoughts and I started talking to my fans again.They were not going to let me just brush this off like it didn't happen.
Now,the fans needed answers.
"Are they together?","How do they know each other?","Come downstairs???" and there were many more comments like that."Guys," I tried to explain "No,we are not together,he's my brothers friend and that's it" I said smiling.
"So" I said after a few minutes "It's getting really late and I'm gonna go and try to get some sleep now." "Thank you guys for staying with me!Good night!" I said turning of the live stream.

Anthony's POV

Chase went to the kitchen to make popcorn and grab us something to drink.I got a notification on my phone.
"@kyliekeith is live"
I joined the live a couple minutes after she just started it.
I could see that she was bored upstairs and that she couldn't sleep.
I decided to tell her to come downstairs and sit with us.
I could see how confused she was by my comment."I can't" she said.
I then left the live stream because Chase got back.
I did want to go upstairs and knock on her door,but it would probably just make an awkward situation,so I didn't.
I turned back to Jaden and Chase and I joined their conversation.

Kylie's POV

I plugged in my phone and put it on a night stand besides my bed.I layed in my bed and just stared at the ceiling trying to sleep.
I didn't think much about Anthony's comment.I mean,he probably just called me to come downstairs because he could that I was bored,right?Why else would he?
I soon fell asleep.
I woke up at around 9am.I got out of my bed and went straight to my bathroom to get ready for the day.I brushed my teeth,washed my face and took a shower.I blow-dryed my hair and straightened it and went to pick out and outfit for the day.

I blow-dryed my hair and straightened it and went to pick out and outfit for the day

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I put on my clothes and headed downstairs.The boys were still sleeping in Chase's room,so I decided to make breakfast for all of us.

I just quickly made some scrambled eggs and fried some bacon.
I set the table and I had breakfast.
Just when I finished I saw the boys come downstairs.
I pointed to the food on the table as I was walking out the door and said "There's food on the table,I'm gonna go see if Payton's home.Bye!" "We're gonna be here,have fun!" Chase said and waved at me.
As I was walking over to Payton I got a text from him saying "Can you come here ASAP I need your help" I was at his door already,so I didn't even bother to answer it.
I knocked and Payton opened the door.
I gave him a hug and asked "What do you need me for?"
"So" he said gesturing for me to come in "You know how I told you and Julia about Angie" "Yeah" I nodded "So I'm going out with her tonight" he said smiling and scratching his neck "Oh my God!Yay!" I basically screamed jumping up and down out of excitment "I'm so happy for you" I said and hugged him.
"I need your help picking out an outfit" "Okay,let's go".
We went to his closet and picked out a simple outfit;white t-shirt with some black ripped jeans.
I spent 2 more hours at his house and then went home.It was around 3pm so it was time for lunch.
I got back home and got inside.
"I'm home!" I yelled taking my shoes off."You don't have to yell," Chase says walking out of the kitchen "we're right here." he laughed "Oh" I said smiling.
I walked into the kitchen and set my purse on the table "What do you guys want for lunch?" I asked resting my arms on the table.
"We can order something" Jaden suggested "Or we can just go to a restaurant" Chase said "Oooor we can stay home and I'll make lunch for us." I added giving Chase a look,cause he knew I didn't like going out that much."Common,Kylie" Chase said giving me his puppy dog eye look "We will have fun while we're there" "You guys can go," I said crossing my arms "but I will stay at home".
"Please" Chase said putting his hands together to beg me.
"Yeah,Kylie,it will be fun" Jaden said "Yes,come with us" Anthony added.
"Ugh,fine" I said rolling my eyes "When are we leaving?" I asked.
"We're leaving at 4" Chase said smiling at me.
"Okay" I said and went to my room to get ready.
"Ugh" I sighed "Why did I say yes to this" I just thought and threw myself on the bed.

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