Chapter 13

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~Day before the trip~

Kylie's POV

I woke up smiling.
It's happening.Tomorrow.
We're all going on a two week tripto New York City.
I've always wanted to visit New York.
Since I was little.I love that city
I can't wait for our trip and I get to spend time with my friends.

I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.I had breakfast and I went to my room to pack.
I facetimed Julia and Payton while we were all packing.
After about an hour we were done.
I had two suitcases.
I called Julia and Payton to come over at my house.
I headed dow stairs and Chase and my dad were sitting on the couch,watching tv.
"Are you guys excited for tomorrow?"
my dad asked me and Chase.
"Yes" Chase said "Extremely excited" I said smiling.
"I'm gonna miss you guys" my dad said "Yeah,but you're leaving in two days again anyways" I added "But we could spend those two days together" he said "No going back now" Chase said.
I heard a knock on the door.
"It's probably Payton and Julia" I said reaching the door.
I opened and there they were standing.I hugged and greeted both of them and they came in.
They said hi to Chase and my dad and we went to my room.
I threw myself on the bed and they sat next to me.
"I can't wait for tomorrow" I said smiling "Me neither" Payton said "We'll have lots and lots of fun" Julia added "Yeah".
"Oh and what about Angie,Payton?" I asked remembering he said they were supossed to go out again.
"We went to the ice cream shop yesterday and went to the park afterwards.I had fun" he said with a wide grin on his face "How come you didn't tell us about that?" I said sitting up playfully hitting his arm "Ouch" he said laughing "You never tell us anything" Julia said "Yeah" I added "Guys,this was the first time I didn't tell you something" Payton said "Yeah,yeah" I said laughing.
We spent a lot of time talking about our trip and everything else.
It was already getting dark.
"Wow,time flies" I said "What time is it?" Julia asked "8:30" I said "Wow" Payton said "Well,I better get going" he said "Yeah,me too" Julia said "Okay" I said getting up to walk them out."Can't wait for tomorrow" Julia said at the door,leaving.
I hugged them and closed the door.
I went inside and sat on the couch next to my dad and Chase.
"Do you guys want to watch some movies?" I asked "Yeah,sure" my dad and Chase agreed.
I went and grabbed a bowl of chips and some drinks.
We watched a couple of movies and it was time for bed.
"I'm gonna go to bed now" I said getting up "Yeah,me too" Chase got up,too.
We helped our dad clean up and we all went to our rooms.
'Goodnights' were heard through out the house as we all closed our doors.
I got ready for bed and I fell asleep quickly,smiling.

*the next morning*

I jumped out of my bed as I heard my alarm.I was smiling hard.
Today is the day we leave for New York.
It was around 7am and we have to be at the airport at 9.
I took my bags downstairs and grabbed all the stuff I need.
Chase also took his bags downstairs and our dad helped us put them in the car.
We had 1 more hour till we leave so we decided to go grab a coffee with our dad.
We spent the time left talking to him and he took us to the airport.
Payton,Julia and others were standing at the front waiting for us.They were all smiling and laughing.
I smiled and ran up to them.
I hugged and greeted all of them.
Then I went to my dad and said my goodbye's to him.
"I love you,dad" I said waving to him as he left "I love you,too" he said getting in the car.
We waited at the airport a little until we heard the anouncement for our flight.

It was time.
My heart's beating so fast.
I can't stop smiling.

a/n:i'm sorry this one's kinda boring oops
vote for my chapters,please😔✋
I love you all <3

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