Chapter 14

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~New York City~

Kylie's POV

It was time.
We handed in our tickets and boarded the plane.We all sat on our seats,which were luckily close so we could talk during the flight.
I sat in between Julia and Cassidy.
We all talked through out the flight and we were pretty loud,not gonna lie.We got some complaints,but we were way too excited and we couldn't
stop talking.
The time went by really fast and we've finally arrived to New York.
My eyes widened as we heard that we're here.

We're in New York.

We grabbed our stuff and exited the plane.We got out and waited for our luggage.
"I'm so excited" I said with a huge smile on my face "Yeah,me too" Anyhony said smiling down at me.
We waited for around 15 minutes and got our bags.
"I'm calling an uber" Payton said pulling out his phone "It'll be here in 5 minutes" he said putting his phone back in his pocket.
Our uber arrived and we got to our hotel.
We all stood there for a second,not believing that this is actually happening.It may not sound important,but it was a really big deal for us.
"We're actually here" Julia said "I know,it feels unreal" I added.
We grabbed our bags and went to the floor our rooms were on.
"So" I said "Me,Cayla,Julia and Cassidy are sharing one room" "And me,Noen and Jaden are sharing a room" Chase said "Looks like I'm with Payton" Anthony said giving him a smile and Payton smiled back.
"Let's get settled in and we'll figure out what to do next" I said grabbing my suitcases from the floor.
We got into our rooms and they were amazing.
"This is life" Cayla said floping on the bed."Mine's the one by the window" I said walking towards it.
We got settled in and we just rested for a little bit.
We were in our rooms for about an hour.It was already 7 pm.
"We should do something" Cassidy said looking away from her phone "I agree" Julia nodded "Let's go over to the boys' room and we'll talk about what we'll do" I said "Let's get ready first" Cayla said and we all nodded.
We got ready and went to the boys' room.They were all already together in one room.I knocked and Noen opened the door.
"Come in" he said gesturing for us to come inside with his hand.
I sat next to my brother and Cayla,Cassidy and Julia just stood there.
"Can we all go somewhere?" I asked looking over at everyone.
"Let's just go and explore New York so we know what we're working with for the next two weeks" Jaden suggested "That's a great idea" Anthony said "Okay then,you guys get ready and we're leaving for a very looong walk" Julia said as we were about to exit the room.
"We're ready" Chase said "Let's go then" I said and we got out.
New York is gorgeous.I love it.
We walked around for a while and we got hungry.We went to a restaurant and,of course,chose a table by the window.There were nine of us so we had to split.
So me,Julia,Payton and Anthony were sitting together and Jaden,Cayla,Cassidy,Noen and Chase were sitting together.
That's a lot of people,I know.
We ordered our food and got it soon after.We made small talk while eating and we laughed the whole time.
These people are amazing.
I love them.
"You have a lil something" Anthony said "There" he said whiping of the smudge of my cheek.
(a/n: i'm sorry lmao i had to)
Julia and Payton looked at each other and started laughing.I looked over them with a death stare and they stopped.
We finished our food,payed and went outside.
"What should we do now?" Chase asked looking over at us "It's 9pm" I added "Let's just walk" Julia said "Or we could go to the hotel and play some games?" Anthony asked shrugging his shoulders.
"I wanna walk some more and then we'll gather in one room and play some games" I said "Let's do that then" Noen said and we started walking again.
I walked in the back with Julia until Cassidy called her.So now I was in the back walking alone.I didn't mind it though.I started drifting off to my thoughts and I just looked at the ground thinking.
As I walked I felt someone take my hand.
I looked up to see who it is and I saw...

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