Chapter 9

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~In the arcade~

Kylie's POV

I went to my room and got ready.I put on some regular blue ripped jeans and a white tube top.I had nothing else to do,so I just listened to music and scrolled through my phone.
It was time to leave and I heard Chase yelling from downstairs "We're going" "I'm coming" I said grabbing my stuff and leaving my room.
This time I sat in the front and Chase was driving.Anthony and Jaden were in the back.Noen and Chase H. weren't gonna come with us.
We managed to get there in like 15 minutes.We got out of the car and got inside.
"What do you want to do first?" Chase asked "We can split up" I suggested "I'd rather stay with you guys" Anthony said looking at me.
"Let's just look around and we'll figure out what to do first" Jaden said.
We all nodded and started walking around.
Two hours went by and I was getting bored.I decided to go walk around the arcade alone and said "I'm coming back in a minute,gonna go look around for a bit" "Okay" Chase said "Just dont get lost" he laughed and turned back to the game.
I walked around for a little bit and I felt someone grab my wrist which caused me to turn around.
"Uhh" I said confused "What are you doing here,Anthony?" "Nothing" he said and smiled at me.
"Why are you following me?" I asked still confused.
"Just wanted to come and walk around with you,I was getting bored"
"Okay then" I said as I was starting to walk "Let's go find something interesting".
The place we went to was pretty big and kinda crowded.
"You know" Anthony said leaning to my ear "You look really good today" "Thank you" I said and I felt my cheeks getting extremely red so I just looked down.
We played some games for a little while and I decided it's time to find Jaden and Chase.
"Let's go find Chase and Jaden" I said grabbing his hand "But I was having fun" Anthony said resisting and acting sad "Let's go" I said "You're more fun than them,I wanna stay with you" he said still resisting "Then I'll go find them without you" I said as I started to walk away "Ugh,fine,I'm coming" he groaned and followed me.
We found them and Chase asked "Where were you guys?" "We were just walking around and playing some games" I said.
Chase gave Anthony a death stare and Anthony shrugged his shoulders like 'we were doing nothing i swear' causing me to laugh.
We soon left the arcade and went to a drive through to order some food for lunch.
We got back to our house and ate lunch.The time went by fast as we were just talking and laughing.
It was already 6pm so I asked "Do you guys wanna call Chase and Noen so we can all go to the skating park?"
"I'll text them to see if they're free" Chase said taking out his phone.
"They'll be here in half an hour" Chase said "Okay" I said "I'm gonna go and get my skateboard".
Chase and Noen came and we all went to the skating park.
We spent a little while and a girl approached us.
"Hey,aren't you guys like famous?" she asked smiling and grabbing her skateboard from the ground.
"Well,I wouldn't say famous-" I was cut off by her "But you totally are" "I'm Cassidy,by the way" she added.
We all introduced ourselves and started talking.
Turns out she's really fun so we exchanged numbers and decided to stay in touch.
We spent a couple of hours in the park and then went home.
Tonight,Chase and I were all alone home,which wasn't something unusual.
We watched tv for a little and then went to bed.
I couldn't stop thinking about what Anthony told me today.

"You look really good today"

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