Chapter 19

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~The new guy~

Ethan Gregg as Ethan Gregg,16(From New York,has a little following on social media,only child,single)

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Ethan Gregg as Ethan Gregg,16
(From New York,has a little following on social media,only child,single)

Ethan Gregg as Ethan Gregg,16(From New York,has a little following on social media,only child,single)

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Maggie Lindemann as Cassidy,18

Maggie Lindemann as Cassidy,18

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Kaila Lorraine as Cayla,16

(a/n: this is just how i imagine these characters,but it's totally up to you how you see them. enjoy the chapter :) )

Kylie's POV

I went out and sat on the benches in front of the hotel.There was nobody outside and there weren't many people passing by due to the colder weather and rain.
I enjoyed the time I had to myself for those few minutes.
A random guy walked by.
He started walking back towards me.
I panicked a little not gonna lie.
'Oh,he's cute' I thought to myself.
"Hey" he said waving his hand a little shyly.
I shook of my thoughts and said "Hi.Can I help you?"
"I uhm...I actually have a question"
he said nervously
"Of course,go ahead" I said smiling at him "Don't you have a huge following on social media or something?" he asked "Well,I wouldn't actually call it huge,but-" he cut me off "But hundreds of thousands of followers is kind of huge" he chuckled.
I couldn't help but laugh "Well,I suposse it is kinda big,huh".
There was an awkward silence.
"So" I said "Do you want an autograph?" I laughed.
"I'd much rather have your number" he said softly smirking at me.
"Isn't it a bit to early?" I said with a wide grin on my face "Well,I was just trying to make some new friends" he scoffed and crossed his arms playing sad.
"How about you join me here and we'll get to know each other a little more" I said "And oh" I added "I never got your name" "I'm Ethan" he said holding out his hand for me to shake "I'm Kylie.It's a pleasure to meet you" I said "The pleasure is mine" he said as he sat next to me.
In a reasonable distance,of course.
We talked for a little and got to know each other.
Turns out we have a lot in common.
We have the same taste in music,he also scates and all those little things.
He seemed like a nice friend.
We exchanged numbers after a while and he had to leave.
"I better get going" he said "Me too" I added and we stood up.
He turned around and started walking.
"Hey" I called and he turned around "You're gonna leave without a hug?" I said puckering out my bottom lip.
He smiled and came back to hug me.
After that I went inside and saw Anthony standing in the hallway.
He just stood there looking hypnotized.

Anthony's POV

I saw Kylie sitting there with another guy.They were laughing and talking?
He looked unfamiliar.
I don't know who he is.
What do I do now?
Do I just go up to her?
Or wait till she comes back?
I just stood in the hallway not knowing what to do.
After a couple of minutes Kylie walked in.I saw her smile fade as she saw me.
"Anthony?" she said "Hi..I uh..I just.." I muttered out.I didn't know what to say.
"What are you doing here?" she asked "I uhm wanted to ask you something".
Do I do it now?Do I ask her out?
"What is it?" she said walking towards me.
Why am I so nervous,Jesus.
"I was wondering if you wanted to-" I paused.This is not the right time.
"Wondering what?" she smiled.
She's gorgeous.I couldn't help but admire her.
"I was wondering if...uh if you wanted to uh help me pick an outfit for tomorrow?"
I mentally slaped myself.
Great job dumb ass.
"What's tomorrow?" she asked confused "You'll see" I winked at her nonchalantely.
"Okay" she said and we headed to my hotel room.
"What kind of outfit do you need?" she asked as I placed a few clothing items on my bed "It's a special occasion,but not too fancy" I said.
She thought for a few seconds and then went over to the bed.
She put up a white shirt and some blue pants with a belt.
"I think this will do" she said smiling.
"Thank you" I said "Any time".
"Let's go back to the rest" she said as she exited the room.
I nodded and followed her out.
As we entered the room
they all looked at us weirdly;
some with smirks on their faces and others,well Chase,angry.

(a/n: i dont like this chapter sigh)

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