Chapter 16

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suprise post :)

~Truth or dare~

Kylie's POV

We all sat on the floor in a circle.
And so,our game of truth or dare has begun.I seriously didn't want to do this,but I can't back out now.
"Who's going first?" I asked "The one who's asking" Jaden smiled at me with a devilish smile.
"Fine.Payton.Truth or dare?" "Truth" he said "Who would you choose between me and Julia?" I asked smiling at him "No" he yelled as his eyes widened "You can not do that to me" "I actually can and I am" I said placing my head on my hands. "Payton.Answer" Julia said strictly,but smiling."I can't choose between you two,you know that" he said "Yes,I do.Just pick one" "Kylie" he said whispering looking at the ground.
I laughed and Julia hit his arm playfully "What?" "Ouch" he said looking at her.
"This is over,my turn" he said "Jaden" "Yeah" "Truth or dare?" "Truth" "Really?" Payton asked disappointed as if he had a dare prepared for him already "Yes,really,now ask" "How many girlfriend did you have in your 18 years of lifetime?" Payton asked smiling.Jaden counted and quickly replied "4" "He ain't a hoe" Cassidy said and we all laughed.
We played for a little while.
It was my turn again.
"Okay,Kylie.Truth or dare?" Noen asked causing me to look at him "Ummm dare" I said and they all started quietly chanting "We got a brave one" Jaden said.
"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Anthony" he said smirking at me.Everyone started chanting loudly as me and Anthony stood up.
Everyone except Chase.He got mad.
"No,no,no,no,no and no" he said waving his hands "We're not doing this" he added."It's just a dare Chase" Jaden said "Yeah,dont be a party pooper" Noen added "You'll ruin our game" Cayla said crossing her arms.
Chase hesitated but said "Okay" he pointed his index finger at us "You better not do anything you'll regret".
I grabbed Anthony's hand and we went to the bathroom,because it was the only other room.He locked the door.I could hear Chase mumbling something and I just laughed.
"Time starts now!" Noen said.
We just stood there looking at each other.I sat on the bathroom countertop not knwimg what to do.
"So" I said "What do we do?" I asked and Anthony looked at me "Well,wgat do you want to do?" "What ever we're supossed to do" I said smiling at him sotly blushing.
I felt his hand on my cheek as he lifted my chin up.He put another hand on my waist and kissed me.
I quickly pulled away and we were just doing nothing with our foreheads resting on each others.
"Time's up" I heard Noen yell.
"Let's go" I said and we exited the bathroom.
They were all sitting on the floor and smiling,except of couse Chase.
He was annoyed.
"Let's continue" I said as I sat down.
We played a little more and decided to go to bed,because it was really late.

*the next morning*

I woke up and got ready.The girls were still so I woke them up when I finished getting ready so they could get ready,too.
We went over to the boys' room and went to have breakfast.
We went to a nearby restaurant and had breakfast.
Then we went back to the hotel and hung out at one of our rooms.
"Hey" Anthony said lightly tappimg my shoulder "Help me pick a picture to post" he said and showed me the pictures.I chose one and he posted it.

liked by kyliekeith,xlilhuddy and 130,564 othersluvanthony almost died taking these

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liked by kyliekeith,xlilhuddy and 130,564 others
luvanthony almost died taking these


jadenhossler pic creds?
^luvanthony best photographer :)
kyliekeith a whole snack
^luvanthony no,you.
user1 are anthony and kylie together?
^anthonysmine i wouldn't want it
^user1 they're cute ngl
xlilhuddy my boooyy
^luvanthony yessir

"We are definitely going to the pool today and you can't say no" I said and looked at everyone.They nodded and agreed.We spent a little more time and went to get ready.
I put on a swim suit and a shirt and shorts over it.
I grabbed my bag and we headed to the pool.Everyone is already at the pool,except me and Julia.We went to grab all of us some drinks.
On our way to the caffe,

She questioned everything.

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