Chapter 12

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~Summer plans~

Kylie's POV

As we all sat down Cassidy suggested something.
"Hey,what if we all go on a vacation together?Like,for a week or so?"
Cassidy said looking over at all of us.
"That is actualy a great idea" I said "So what to you guys think?" Cassidy asked.
Boys looked over at each other and nodded and then turned back to us.
"Let me call Chase to see if he can come,too." Noen said.
After a few minutes of talking with Chase,Noen said that he's busy and can't come with us.
"So,where are we going?" Chase asked.
"I don't know" Anthony said.
"Let's all write down destinations,put the papers in a hat and then pull out one" I said "Okay" Cassidy said.
I got the papers and pens and we all wrote down our favorite destinations.
We gave the hat to Cayla,since she was a 'newer' friend so she gets to pick the paper.
"Are you ready?" Cayla asked as she unfolded the paper.
"Looks like we're going to New York"
"Yay!" I jumped since that was my choice "That's mine" I said happily.
"Well,let's start planing our trip" Jaden said.
My dad was supossed to come home in one week.
We decided to also wait for Julia and Payton so they can come,too.
So it would be me,Cassidy, Cayla,Julia,Payton,Chase,Noen,
Anthony and Jaden.
All of our parents agreed on letting us go on a two week trip to New York.
We looked through hotels and booked everything.We're supossed to go in three weeks.
We sat in the living room and just talked about everything and anything.It was really fun.
Once it was dark,our friends just waited for the rain to stop so they can go home.
Once they went home,Chase and I cleaned up and went to our rooms.
I got upstairs and went to take a shower.
I got ready and went to sleep.
All I could think about is our trip.
I'm so excited and I can't wait.
Three more weeks.

Third person

Everyone was so excited for their trip.Three weeks went by fast as they all spent the time together.
They were having fun in California and they became family.
The day of their trip is getting really, really close.
Just a few more days and they all get to leave and have the time of their lives.

This will be unforgettable.

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