Chapter 5

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~Today was fun~

Kylie's POV

I got up and changed my outfit.
I let my hair down.I texted Payton and asked him if he wanted to come,but he had to leave for his date in 2 hours and I had to leave in an hour.I scrolled through my social media for about 15 minutes and then I heard a knock.
"Come in" I said.Chase opened the door and said "Hey,just wanted to let you know that Noen and Chase are coming,too." "Okay" I said and he left.
Great.Now I'm gonna be the only girl with Chase and his friends.
It's not that big of a deal,but I can get really awkward and the last thing I want to happen is for them to think that I'm weird.
I went downstairs since it was time to leave.
"Let's go" Chase said and we all got out.
Jaden was driving,again of course,he had the most experience and we felt safe with him driving.
Chase was sitting next to him and me and Anthony were sitting in the back.
We headed over to pick up Chase and Noen.
Noen was at Chase's house so when we got there they both got in.
"Scoot over!" Noen said laughing as he came in the car.
We were yet again squished in the back.
"Where are we going?" I asked because Chase never told me anything "We're going to our favorite restaurant" Chase said smiling.
"But that's OUR restaurant" I said with a tone in my voice pointing out to Chase that we only go there with our dad.
"Yeah,well," Chase said "that place has great food so we are going there"
On our ride there,the boys were talking and I just sat there quiet,looking out the window.
When we got there I just stood in front of it for a while,still amazed by its looks and hypnotized with the smell of the food flowing in the air.
"Are you okay?" Anthony asked waving his hand in front of my face.
"Yes,I'm fine." I answered and followed the guys inside.
"We're getting a table next to the window" I said walking over to one of the tables there.
I sat next to the window and Anthony and Noen sat next to me.On the other side of the table were Chase,Jaden and my brother.
The waiter came and gave all of us menus.
Me and Chase recommended the food we always order to the rest of the guys.The waiter came back and got our orders.
"Why don't we get ice cream while we wait?" I asked."Do you really want to eat ice cream before the main course?" Jaden asked "Yes" I said nodding "Okay,then we're all getting ice cream" Chase said to the waiter.
After two-three minutes we got our ice creams.
"Will take some pictures of me?" I aksked handing my phone to Chase
"Okay" he said annoyingly taking my phone.
"Thank you" I said taking my phone back when we were done.

liked by luvanthony,chasekeith and 78,483 otherskyliekeith we all scream for ice cream

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liked by luvanthony,chasekeith and 78,483 others
kyliekeith we all scream for ice cream

chasekeith:that's my sister
^kyliekeith: i wuv you
luvanthony:you look cute
^kyliekeith: <3
^uwuanthony: 🚢🚢🚢
^kyliekeith: i was bored w/o you:(
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Our food came and we all started eating.While we were eating we talked and laughed.
Not gonna lie,I was having fun with Chase and his friends.
We were done eating and we headed back home.
It was only 6pm,so Chase's friends were probably gonna stay at our house a few more hours.
When we got home I asked "Do you guys wanna go skate?" "Whoa there,I didn't know you know how to skate" Noen said suprised."Oh,you know nothing about me" I said smiling "So?Are you in?" "Hell yeah" Chase H. said.
I looked at the others raising my brows."Yes,of course we're going" my brother said.
"Okay" I said going up the stairs "I'm gonna go get my skateboard".
We all got our skateboards and went to the skatintg park.
We just fooled around for a while and we had fun.
"You got some skills there,Keith" Anthony said to me "Hey" Chase yelled at him and Anthony turned around with a kind of scared expression "She got the skills from me" Chase said now smiling.
Anthony turned back to me,looking at me with a relief.
He probably thought Chase was gonna get mad because he's talking with his younger sister.
He knew about our sibling rule.

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