Chapter Eleven ~ When friends are Fake as Plastic

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"Michelle!" Tiffany came running towards her with sympathetic open arms. "Oh hi Tiffany," she said surprised at the sudden welcome. "I heard you broke your leg!" Tiff said. "What happened?" Cassidy asked. "No doubt she probably fell because she's clumsy," Melanie teased. The other two looked at her with big eyes. "Yeah I fell," she answered. "Well are you okay?" Cassidy asked. "I mean... I do have a broken leg," Michelle reasoned. "Oh no! What about the cheerleading though?" Tiffany exclaimed, "No way are we gonna be able to have the perfect pyramid if you're absent!"
Michelle shrugged, "Well Abby can sub right?" "ABBY? SUB in for YOU??" Tiffany shrieked, "As if she could do that." "That girl can't even walk without tripping, How in the world is she gonna stay on top of a pyramid?" Melanie mocked. "Well I'm sure with just a bit of practice she'll be fine," Cassidy said. "Shut up Cassidy! You haven't exactly been an active member on the cheerleading squad. You wouldn't know a thing, " Tiffany snapped. Cassidy's eyebrow raised, she didn't expect that type of attitude. Then the queen bee turned towards Michelle with a hand planted on her hip, "How could you be so clumsy? Now is not that best time to break a leg! We have the homecoming game to do and it's one of the biggest one's we're doing this year." Michelle scoffed, "Well I didn't exactly 'choose' to break my leg y'know?" "Well because of your absentmindness I'm going to have to go find one to sub you," Tiff said angry. "Well good luck with that," Michelle sarcastically said.
And like the diva that she was, Tiffany stomped off into her little kingdom of self. Melanie stood in the corner while Tiffany had her moment but followed after her like a puppy. Cassidy on the other hand stayed with Michelle.
"Ugh what's her problem?" Michelle asked. "She's probably just mad because she thinks that you're basically a slut by hitting on Luke," Cassidy spilled. "Excuse me?" Michelle said shocked. "I mean...!" She instantly tried to take it back. "So she actually said that about me?" She said angrily. "Well yes... but..." Cassidy panicked. "Well that's nice to know she thinks I'm a slut. And I don't even hit on Luke! He hits on me!" Michelle testified. "She also thinks you and Luke talk bad about her behind her back," Cassidy also said. "What??" Michelle was furious. "Hey I never said anything against you; so I'm out of this, " Cassidy clarified. "I get that," Michelle sighed, "I just can't believe Tiffany would say something like that about me."

"Whaaat?" Luke extended his word. "Yeah and apparently I'm such a slut by 'hitting' on you," Michelle shook her head while saying it. "Okay first off, we're not exactly techically official so... yeah. And second I don't get her problem with me, it's not with you, trust me! But I just thought that since it'd been so long that she'd get over it," Luke explained. "Yeah well she's an immature self absorbent little gossip queen that can't see her own issues," she ranted snd popped a carrot in her mouth. "That was pretty harsh," Luke pointed out. "Oh whatever! She's your ex, you're not supposed to care about her anymore," Michelle brushed off making a face. "True that," he nodded biting down on a goldfish cracker. "And of all things! That I'm hitting on you?" She barely screamed. Luke dropped his homework and hugged Michelle, "It's fine. It's just a bunch of girls who aren't mature who are talking about you." "And I don't even hit on you," she whined, "You're the one who hits on me." "Got that right," he winked. "Stop!" She barely got out a giggle. "That's better. Just ignore them. All they are, are immature little girls who don't have anything better to do then to talk behind your back. Which means they're lives are so uninteresting that they have to pick at yours. And if Tiffany and Melanie wanna believe that you would talk about them behind their back- let them! Just proves they never trusted you in the first place, because if they really knew you, they'd know you would never do that," Luke wisely said. "Wow," Michelle looked up at him, "And I thought I was being mean. You just said they have no life!" Luke laughed, "Honestly they don't! If they have time to pick at your life, they don't have enough to do in theirs. Therefore they act one way in front of you, and when you're gone they talk about you." Michelle nodded. "It's something I learned about those two when I was dating them. They were so judgmental about everything! " Luke laughed at his mistakes. "Well... they're still my friends..." she drifted off. "Well in that case, see if they'll listen to what you have to say. If they can, they're your friends, if they don't then Oh Well!" Luke said leaning his head on the top of hers. "You're right," Michelle sighed. Then Luke said, "Just remember. True friends will stick around to know what's going on in your part of the story. Not just by what they hear or think of you."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading!! It's been a while but better late than never! This book officially has 391 reads! That's amazing!! Don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE and COMMENT!!! Also follow me @_emilymae13

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