V3C6: What Am I?

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I woke up with cold air in my face.

I was in some sort of containment pod.

The sci-fi kinda ones.

I looked out the glass panel in the from but it was too dark to see anything.

Then there was a beep and the fron part of the chamber lifted up.

I stepped out, only to see Ozpin, Glynda, and General Ironwood standing there.

Ozpin: Step out slowely Wolfgang. We have no idea how the chemicals may react with your body.

Me: Chemicals?

Ironwood: Anesthetics.

Me: Right?

I looked at the dark room before me.

It was barely illuminated with green light.

Me: Where am I? What happend?

Ozpin: You've been out for two weeks... And... We... Have a lot to talk about...

Me: Damn right you do.

Glynda: Follow us.

They led me out the room to a hallway.

It was a dark, steel walled corridor.

A bunker maybe?

Me: I ask again, where are we?

Ozpin: Under the school. In the vault.

Me: Vault? What's going on!?

Ozpin: When you had that power surge Wolfgang, what did you feel?

I thought for a second.

Me: Pain... Its like I lost control... I heard a voice... Something about a vessel...

Ozpin: The our suspicions were correct.

Me: What suspicions?

He paused

Ozpin: Have you ever heard the legend of the maidens?

Me: The maidens? Of course I did! It was my favourite as a kid.

Ozpin: You liked the magic, I assume?

Me: It was the best part... Why?

Ozpin: How far fetched would it be if I were to tell you that magic is real... And that the maidens are real?

Me: Your insane.

Ozpin: Expected. You'll come to find your wrong.

We reached a door.

Ironwood opened it and it led to a massive room that was extemly dark.

At the end was two of those containment chambers.

Like the one I was in.

I walked up to them.

One had someone in it.

A once beautiful girl with horrendous scars on her face.

Ozpin: Meet Amber. The once fall maiden.

Me: Bullshit...

Ironwood: I know this is a lot to take in-

Me: Who said I believed you!? I just wanna know whats going on!

Ozpin: Calm yourself.

I paused

Me: Whats happening?

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