V3C12: I Chose Life

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I opened my eyes to the void.

This time I was laying down.

Spring was on her knees looking over me.

Spring: Hello... Wolf...

Me: Spring...

Spring: It's good I managed to get your mental conscious here.

Me: Why? What's wrong?

Spring: Well... Your on the very edge of death, Wolf... Your body is not in good condition... It was thrown off the Beacon tower and you broke almost every bone in your body...

Me: How am I still alive?

Spring: I'm keeping you alive, thats how.

Me: Why did you bring me here?

I sat up

Spring: Because I feel like I should ask something.

Me: What is it?

Spring: Well... I'm asking you, if you want to carry on.

Me: As in?

Spring: The road ahead of you will be filled with suffering... Pain... And violence... I can see it... I don't know what will happen, but whatever does happen, will be bad... If you want to fight through this for a victory that I cannot guarantee... I will revive you and use my energy to heal you the best I can... If you don't... I... I'll pull the plug...

Me: You'll let me die?

Spring: Yes... I will stop your heart and take you into death with me... It's something I'm required to ask... The job of the harbouror isn't easy... So if you don't want to play the part... I'll do what I must...

She had regret in her voice.

Me: No. I want to live. I want to see My friends, my family, and Coco again. I want to find my mother. I want to help save the world.

She smiled

Spring: Thank you.

Then she hugged me.

Spring: I knew you would pick that. Are you ready to wake up?

I nodded

Me: Yeah. Take me back.

Then there was white.

The white faded back to black and my eyes fluttered open.

I layed in the bed of my room back at home.

I WAS home.

In front of me, was Taiyang, Qrow, and Ruby.

Ruby: He's waking up!

I felt weak.

It felt like any movement would break me.

I had an IV in my arm and there was sime light medical equipment around me.

Me: Hey... Rubes...

I looked at Taiyang

Me: Dad...

He smiled

Taiyang: How do you feel, champ?

Me: Like shit.

Taiyang: Er, Ruby's here.

Me: Right... Right...

Qrow: Hows your... Well... Everything, kid?

Me: I hurt all over...

Taiyang: Well you did fall over five hundred feet without an aura, so thats expected.

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