V3C11: It Has Begun

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Last night wasn't pretty.

Ever since then, the pain in my head caused by Springs voice just wouldn't stop.

Ozpin had summoned me to his office for a meeting.

It was a shame because I would have to miss the next singles round.

When I got up there, I was suprised to find out my team was already up there.

I looked around in confusion.

Ozpin: Your here. Finally.

I walked forward to where we all stood infront of his desk.

Ozpin: Your all wondering why you have been called up here today.

Riley: Yeah kinda.

Ozpin: Well... It's hard to explain...

Me: You can hit us with anything, Oz. It wont affect us.

Ozpin: Oh it will. Wolfgang. Remember the night I took you to the vault.

Me: Nevermind...

My team looked at me in confusion.

Me: Yes... I do...

Ozpin: Well... We tried something... Pyrrha Nikos... We tried to get her to be the one to inherit Falls power. She was the one we chose.

Me: If you don't mind me asking... Why tell me this while my team is around?

Ozpin: Because. I need a unit.

Izaiah: A team?

Ozpin: Yes. Of protectors. Wolfgang, as the harbouror of Spring, you hold great power. There might be a way of sharing this power.

Me: How?

Ozpin: In a similar way that Ambers power was taken.

I looked at my bewildered team.

Me: Why us? Why them?

Ozpin: Because your the strongest, and most capable. I believe if you were all to have equal peices of that power, it would regenerate withen your body. Effectively creating four full power harbourors.

Me: With that knowledge... You could make an army... An army of super soldiers... An army to stop the war you spoke of!

Ozpin: Now lets not go that far-

Me: You could even have some yourself. I would be willing to share this power if necessary.

Ozpin: Thats just it. A maidens power will only transfer to someone they're close to. Well, in this case anyway. If we were to spilt Springs power over a thousand people, she would die and all the power would be lost. Thats why one team is the perfect amount.

Me: I see...

Riley: Excuse me, but what the HELL is happening!?

I sighed

Ozpin: I suppose we should tell them.

Me: Its too late to go back anyway.

Ozpin: Now Wolfgang. I advise you talk to Spring. If she wasn't listening, you must ask her. Please convince her if she isn't willing.

I solemnly nodded.

I didn't want to put her through pain.

Even without being told, I knew this would be excruciatingly painful for her.

I stepped away, towards the elevator and closed my eyes.

When I opened them, I saw I was ince again in her little void.

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