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Izuku yawned as he entered the classroom. Shoto dragged him towards the back of the room with worry.

"What's up?" he asked through a yawn.

"Katsuki. He went to your room yesterday right? Did he leave your room key and go back to his room?" Shoto asked quickly.

"Why does it matter...?" Izuku asked as everyone was looking at them.

"What if something happened in there? I knocked twice but you didn't answer, but I swear I heard something move in your room." said Shoto.

"Shoto, I'm not weak. I can handle things myself. I've lasted this long with him. And stop bullying him. He's human too." Izuku said as he pushed him away.

Shoto balled his hands into fists. Katsuki was winning. He needed to stop it and fast. Katsuki entered the room yawning as well. He spotted Izuku sitting in his proper seat then smirked. Shoto was failing. He took his seat in front of Izuku then felt someone tap him.

"Sorry about yesterday... I was already drained and crying pushed me over the edge." Izuku apologized as he remembered waking up and staring into his chest. His face flushed. "I'm really sorry."

"It's... fine. I wasn't really uncomfortable or anything..." Katsuki muttered as he tried to lessen his own embarrassment.

"Really? Well, you were pretty comfortable to sleep with... Not like that! I mean sleeping together in the same bed, haha..." Izuku said with bright red cheeks.

Katsuki laughed. Izuku stopped and stared. The entire school stopped and stared. All of Japan stopped and stared. The entire world stopped and stared. Katsuki had laughed. It was a first for the class, but years for Izuku. His laugh hadn't changed in the slightest. The tiniest snort he made was still present along with the gesture of him tilting his head back briefly.

"It's still the same... the laugh I've always loved..." Izuku whispered as his chest felt light and fuzzy.

"Huh? What did you say, you mouse?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku felt the trance break and was brought back to reality. He didn't say anything else as he was thoroughly shaken by what had just happened.

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Lunch time rolled around and Shoto had made a beeline towards Izuku's desk. Izuku sighed heavily as he couldn't get homeroom out of his mind.

"Yo, damn Deku! We're eatin' together!" Katsuki shouted.

"Hey, you've been out of it today. What's up?" Shoto asked, ignoring Katsuki shouting in the back.

"Don't ignore me!" Katsuki raged.

"It's nothing. I'm heading to lunch." Izuku said as he walked away.

Shoto grabbed his hand and held him back. His fears were coming to fruition. Izuku looked at Shoto who looked as if he'd collapse at the slightest touch.

"You have to stop being near Katsuki. My frail heart can't take it anymore. He's going to hurt you, I know it." Shoto acted hoping his message would get through before Katsuki came over. "He doesn't have room to change."

"Shoto, I think it's time you stopped. Be nicer to Katsuki. Maybe then he wouldn't be so hostile towards you." said Izuku before coolly walking away.

Shoto sighed as everything fell apart. He was left with one obvious choice. Get Izuku to fall for him so they couldn't get together. It was glaringly obvious to him how Katsuki felt about Izuku. He was just too dumb to realize it. Shoto cracked his neck and knuckles before sighing. His plan was now in motion.

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