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"Oh, (Y/N)! You came!"


The strained voice of Merida took me by surprise, but also sent a wave of relief so strong, it almost gave me a headache and left me out of breath for a moment. The two cops yesterday painted such a terrifying image in my head, especially with that 'she was barely breathing' comment. But, here she is, bright eyed and breathing just fine, might I add. Even if she was a little tattered, she is still alive, still with me.. Bandages were wrapped around her forehead and one of her arms were in a cast, I noted.

Her usually curly fluffy brown hair resembled that of a rats' nest, but I wasn't going to blame her for not keeping her hair tamed. She was just in a car wreck, for goodness sake.. If someone wanted to judge her for that, then, they would have to be someone like that damn receptionist... Her face was slightly pale, but that only somehow made her freckles pop out more. Taking in these features reassured me for some reason, as if she might have been a whole different person if I didn't check. Her blue orbs watched me as I scanned her over, a smile on her face. A smile of a living friend..

I approached the bed rather quickly, my hand leaving Glitch's, nearly tripping over my feet as I went. I knelt down and hugged onto her the best to my abilities once I reached her, being mindful of her injuries. She noticeably winced before wrapping her free, non-broken, arm around me. I slowly pulled away, my smile growing as tears built in my eyes, "Yesterday, two officers came by my house and told me you and Mark got in a wreck... I was so scared.. And, it definitely didn't help when one of them told me you were barely breathing..." I whispered softly, knowing she had heard me from her eye roll and huff, "They were just being over dramatic, Kitten, I'm alive and well, see!"

I actually lightened up from the nickname this time, keeping myself from hugging her again because I knew it had hurt her. "So.. How bad are your injuries actually?" She paused and hummed, looking to the side in thought, her brows furrowing slightly. During this small moment of silence, I noticed Glitchtrap hadn't moved from his spot by the door, a small frown replacing his normal smile. I focused back onto Merida when she began to recount the events, "Ah, well, apparently I bashed my head through the window, the glass causing deep gashes. My arm was in a unfortunate position which caused it to fracture when we were hit."

My nose scrunched up with a shudder, thinking how painful it must've been, Merida letting out a laugh from my reaction.. She must have known I would've imagined it.. "How are you so happy right now? Aren't you in pain?" She shrugged slightly, only to wince, proving my sentence. "You should ask the other guy.." She chuckled before pausing, "Actually.. I'm not sure if he made it.." My brows raised from her comment before quickly creasing downward, muttering underneath my breath, "Jackass deserved it.. If the wreck didn't kill him, I probably would've.."

I heard Glitch chuckle, somehow having heard me from his spot by the door. Them bunny ears of his- I perked when Merida began speaking again, keeping my focus on her, "I guess you should go see Mark now?" I hesitated before slowly nodding, "Yes, of course.. But, are you sure you want me to go right now?" Merida rolled her eyes, sitting up with a grunt and wince, sending a spark of worry through me. "I'm fine with being alone. I'm sure he would want to see you, I heard he kept muttering your name! Not that I'm jealous or anything-"

I sighed before chuckling softly, knowing she secretly was, carefully wrapping her in one more hug before leaving. I waved at her with her waving in return, Glitchtrap following me as I left, closing the door for me, "I'm glad she's fine, well, hurt, but alive." I chuckled, turning to face Glitch with a smile, "And, I want to thank you for coming Glitch, if you hadn't come, I don't think I would've been able to enter that room." I had noticed he seemed gloomy for some reason, a small scowl on his face. Just as I had hoped though, my comment brightened him up slightly. Even if it was only a bit.

We then entered the next room with me barely hesitating this time, my smile widening when I saw Mark. His light brown hair was a mess, which was expected. I found myself scanning his face, noting he has less freckles than Merida, and that his nose was a light red. His skin was slightly pale but it definitely looked better than Merida's.. It seems she was more unfortunate... Mark was asleep, his grip tight around the golden rabbit plush I had given him the day before. Although I'm still not sure why I had given it to him.. Or, well, the plush Glitchtrap had given him.. I was surprised to see that the plush was in perfect condition but I thought nothing of it. It must have been protected by something..

I could feel disappointment build from the fact I wouldn't be able to see his bright mismatched green and blue eyes that I just adored. How bright they would light up whenever he was excited.. Adorable.. I decided to turn my attention to his injures, noticing the band-aid on his cheek and bandages around the both of his arms. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair, gently tugging out the tangles. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before backing away, digging into my pocket to pull out a card, placing it on the small table by the bed. I had wrote two cards right before I left, just in case one of them were asleep or if I could only send a message. I had a small feeling I wouldn't be able to stay long and that was proven to be true when I heard the snobby receptionist's voice,

"Visiting hours are over! Only family can stay."

𝔽𝔸𝕄𝕀𝕃𝕀𝔸ℝ (Glitchtrap X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now