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"(Y/N), are you okay?"

I flinched upon hearing Glitchtrap, not having expected him to follow me, my body becoming tense within the blanket I was still bungled in. "Y-Yeah.. Sure, I'm fine.." A slight stutter escaped me on the first word, my thoughts cursing silently as I turned my head to look at him. I watched as he stared back at me, seeming to be judging whether to believe me or not. Suddenly, a trance of some kind came over me when I began staring into those hypnotic purple eyes of his.. I blinked, finally registering his hand waving in front of my face, breaking the contact I had with his gaze.

Surprised, my gaze slowly focused on his face again, noticing he was speaking, "-/N)?.. You alright? You seemed to space out on me there.." He softly chuckled but I could hear the hint of worry he had attempted to hide, causing me to feel guilty for worrying him in the first place. "Yeah, I'm fine.. Just.." I paused, "Cold.. And Tired?" Technically, that wasn't all a lie, it is indeed cold in my room.. But my cheeks are feeling quite warm... He slowly spoke, as if checking he had heard me correctly, "You're... Cold?"

I nodded in a quick response, burying my face into the soft cloth wrapped around me, somewhat starting to relax. Apparently, he had other plans, lifting me up. "Wh- W-What are you d-doing?!" He didn't respond to my demands, sitting against the headboard of my bed, where he then set me so I was laying on my back against his stomach and in between his legs. "Cuddle." Was all he said, or, well, demanded, tugging the blanket off me and wrapping his arms around me instead. I felt quite a bit of surprise when I found he was much warmer than the blanket, snuggling closer to him. How can one be so warm?

He chuckled and began to play with my somewhat tangled hair, causing me to start to feel drowsy as his fingers gently ran through my scalp. I smiled slightly as I enjoyed the attention, letting out a soft chuckle when Glitch leaned down and rest his head on my shoulder, not minding his ear pressing against my cheek. I really didn't want to move, as I was actually quite comfortable and didn't want to disturb the rabbit, but all good things must come to some sort of end eventually.. My phone rang, interrupting our 'cuddle' time. I grumbled with a pout, lazily reaching for it and grabbing it, not bothering to check the caller ID as I answered.



A loud, somewhat familiar, voice boomed into my ear, making me wince and yank the phone away. What is with people wanting to bust my eardrums..? It surely can't be that fun at all- "A-Ah-.. Yes?.. Who is this?.." I muttered into the phone, deciding to place it on speaker, it's only me and Glitchtrap, after all. I set it in my lap and continued to snuggle Glitch, who hummed his approval. "Huh... It's me, Richard!.. Don't you recall?.." I raised a brow, tilting my head in thought, my fingers snapping on reflex as my eyes widened in realization. "Richard Wade? From high school?" I hummed in a soft thoughtful manner, pausing when Glitchtrap shifted, my gaze turning to look at his head on my shoulder.

His expression was slightly annoyed, an amused chuckle escaping me when he glared at the phone in my lap. "Yeah!" Richard seemed excited, "I'm glad and relieved you remember me. Actually, I was calling because it's been a while since we last spoke-" I interrupt him with a chuckle, "Two years, to be exact, sir." He chuckled sheepishly, which I'm sure also came with a equally sheepish grin, continuing on, "And, I was wondering.. If you.. Perhaps, wanted to go out? N-Not as i-in a date! But, like, maybe to that pizzeria down the street-?"

I cringed ever so slightly, knowing he was talking about Freddy's, frowning before dejectedly speaking, "Hey, don't worry about it! I'll come. My address is the same from high school, I hope you remember it. Come pick me up at about two PM, how's that?" It was silent for a moment, Glitchtrap's arms tightening around me as he straightened his posture, Richard happily exclaiming, "Okay! Sounds good to me! I'll make sure you have fun tomorrow! See ya, (Y/N)!" I snickered slightly as the call ends, grabbing the phone and reaching over, setting it on the nightstand.

"...I don't like it..." Glitchtrap grumbled, his ears flopping onto the top of my head as he sulked. "Awe, is little Glitchy bunny boo jealous?" I said in a sing-song teasing tone, flipping myself over so I was now laying on my stomach against his, looking up at him. "W-What..? Me.. Jealous? You got the wrong idea there, Kitten.." Did he just stutter? Huh, didn't know that could happen.. My teasing smile grew, his pout growing along with it, probably thinking I was going to continue.

I chuckled, watching as his ears flopped down while he huffed. Hm.. I wonder... I reached up and lightly grabbed one of his ears, starting to rub my thumb against it, smiling brightly. "Whoa, they're so soft!" I muttered, noticing he tensed up before relaxing. "That feels good..." He whispered, probably thinking I hadn't heard him, tilting his head forward so I didn't have to lean up uncomfortably. I smiled and continued to rub his soft ears, watching him close his eyes. When I had stopped, he opened his eyes and presumably waited for me to continue. I chuckled, lightly poking his nose with a finger, humming, "Boop..."

I saw his face light up in a soft pink before I buried my head into his chest, my hands gripping onto the vest he wore, mumbling, "You shouldn't be jealous. Silly bun. Richard is just a friend from high school, as you heard, I'm sure he just wants to talk..." It came out slightly muffled but I know he still heard because he sighed and spoke,

"Well, alright.. But, if he does anything you don't like, or something inappropriate, you better tell me, missy!"

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