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My vision blurred as my eyes slowly began to open, confusion building from how irritated and dry they felt.. Then, I remembered, tears I thought I had ran out of quickly building up again, until, like a flood gate crashing, they began to fall again.. Merida, Mark, Please be okay.. Please, don't leave me. You two.. Are all I have left.. I felt gross from how pitiful I was being, however, I just couldn't bring myself to actually care enough to stop. My gaze wavered from their position staring at the plain white ceiling as I let out a shaking breath, I'm going to visit them today, what kind of person would I be to not visit people I see as family? Maybe not by blood, but by the love and protection I feel for them.. That sounded cheesy, didn't it?

I managed a weak chuckle from my thoughts, slowly sitting up and carefully wiping my tears away with a hand, noticing I was on the couch still. Explains the small cramps I feel.. The sudden urge to call out for someone came over me, Anyone, I don't want to be alone.. "G-Glitchtrap..?" A soft, meek voice called out, one that I almost mistook as someone else's.. Why was I calling out for him in the first place? Was it the memory of a warm hug that made me do it? Am I really in that much of a vulnerable state right now? Why did I even think he would stick around.. If that was so, then what was that delicious aroma in the air?..

A second later, after all my thoughts had calmed, Glitchtrap, in all his bunny glory, walked out of the kitchen. The purple vest he usually wore was gone and instead was replaced with a light pink apron wrapped around his waist. I let out a snicker from that, covering my mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, my worries forgotten for the slight second. He didn't seem to notice my quiet laughter, or, if he had, just didn't care. "Oh, (Y/N)! Glad you're awake, I've just finished the pancakes." My stomach growled from the mere mention of food, since I had neglected to eat something filling the day before. Heat slowly trailed up my neck to my now tainted red cheeks.

Glitch chuckled, turning and walking back into the kitchen, that little fluffy tail of his flicking. Why am I calling him Glitch now?.. Well, it is simpler, I suppose.. I sighed from my mind drifting back to questioning how Merida and Mark were at the moment. I rose to my feet, watching the doorway to the kitchen with an almost hesitant look. Walking over now, I curiously peered into the room in search of the rabbit, finding myself feeling more nervous than usual. There he was, sitting by the table on a chair, his head tilted back with his eyes closed, now wearing his vest again.

I slowly headed in and over to the table, taking a moment to gaze around my now strangely neat kitchen. Did he clean up as well as cook? My brows furrowed as I planted myself in the chair with a plate of pancakes sitting in front of it, it deliberately being right beside him, I'm sure.. I couldn't make myself become upset though, focusing on the pancakes instead of my thoughts. I already knew it would be delicious based on the smell, saliva building in my mouth. It had whip cream, chocolate syrup, and little chocolate chips on top of it.

I hummed and grabbed the fork placed beside the plate, hesitantly cutting off a piece and bringing it up to my mouth. Upon biting into the surprisingly soft cake, it instantly melted on my tongue. Oh. My. God. Why is it this delicious?! How does he know how to make these amazing pancakes!? "Glitch! These are amazing!" I complimented with the slightest squeal, taking another bite into the chocolate goodness. God, adding the chocolate chips into it makes it even better. "I'm glad you like it.." He chuckled, watching me eat the pancakes, a softer smile on his face instead of his usual wide grin. "I had begun to think it had too much chocolate."

My eyes grew wide as I turned to meet the gaze I used to try and avoid, "Are you kidding me?! I love chocolate!" I squeaked out in a surprisingly childish tone, practically bouncing in place. He smiled, "Well, glad to know..." I heard him quietly mutter under his breath, his ears flopping toward the side as he tilted his head. I pretended to have not heard him, finishing the pancakes off with a small smile, taking sips at the cup of milk that was beside it. It became silent, but, surprisingly, it wasn't yet uncomfortable..

I had just begun to enjoy his presence when reality hit me again, my lips dropping into a frown. "..Glitch?" The same meek voice from before spoke. Knowing it had come from me, I earned the attention of the rabbit. "Hm?" Glitch hummed, watching me with curiosity in those purple orbs of his. Nervously, my foot began to lightly tap against the leg of the table as I shifted my gaze away again, Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?.. It's only Glitchtrap... "I am going to visit... Them at the hospital later today.. Can you come with?.. I'm.. I'm afraid of what I may see..." When he didn't react or reply right away, I quickly added in utter embarrassment, "I understand if you don't-"

"I'll go with you."

I froze, looking back at him, surprise igniting my gaze as I rapidly blinked, hoping I hadn't heard wrong, "Wh- Really?.." Glitch chuckled, nodding as his fingers gently tapped against the wood of the table, "You're the only one who can see and speak to me. No point in staying if you actually want me to come, it would be terribly boring waiting." I felt a relieved smile spread across my lips before I could stop it, quickly dropping it, I shouldn't be this happy around him. It's just.. Wrong. "(Y/N), Flower, are you.. Alright?" I sensed hesitation in his words, slowly nodding as to not worry him, not that I actually care..

"Yeah, I'm fine, Glitchtrap.. Just.. Thinking.." I muttered, noticing how he looked like he wanted to ask something else, but he seemed to have decided against it, much to my relief. "Well.." I began with a short pause, making sure I had his attention before continuing, "Let's.. Get going now.." I moved my gaze away from him, slowly standing, hearing his chair scrape against the floor as he stood as well. "Hey, uh, (Y/N)?" I didn't feel like responding at first but, curiosity got the best of me, "Yes..?"

"I know this may seem rather sudden but... No matter what happens, I'll be here for you, alright?"

𝔽𝔸𝕄𝕀𝕃𝕀𝔸ℝ (Glitchtrap X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now