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"Let me take you home now, alright?"


Glitchtrap seemed angry and skittish ever since we got home. Well, he was frustrated even before then, especially during the ride when Richard was being too friendly. His words, not mine. I was currently sitting on the couch, watching the rabbit before me pace the living room floor. He wanted to keep me in his sights, but he couldn't stay focused long enough to even watch me. I huffed, finding myself becoming quite bored quickly so I came up with an idea. "You know what! I think we should visit Merida and Mark!" I announced quite loudly as I stood from the couch, finally earning his attention.

"What? No, we just got home and we shouldn't head back out yet.." His expression became irritated as he watched me back slowly toward the door. "(Y/N), sit back down.." I only grinned at him, giving him a light shake of my head, "No can do mister. It's been an hour since we got home and all you've done is pace the floor! There might as well be a hole where you've been walking!" I turned to the door to open it, only to flinch when Glitch's hand roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me up against him. "Don't disobey me.." He hissed softly into my ear, my face slightly flushing from my thoughts becoming rather unclean.

His gaze flicked over mine, then his ears perked, seemingly noticing something. "Why is your face so red now? Do you enjoy being this close?" As if to emphasize his words, his hand landed on my waist and brought me closer. My blush darkened as he leaned his head in, a devilish smirk on his face, "Or.. Do you enjoy being spoken to the way you had?" He chuckled, my face feeling unbelievably hot now as I attempted to avert my gaze. I'm not used to this- But why do I not hate it? Something warm pressing against my lips caused me to freeze before I concentrated on him again.

My eyes grew wide, my face becoming engulfed in another wave of heat. He.. He's kissing me?! I found myself melting into the affection, thinking the purrs that left him were quite adorable. His hand lifted to cup my cheek, my eyes slowly starting to close as I pressed my lips against his in return. However, our moment was rudely cut short from a series of knocking erupting from the door behind us. We broke apart, my cheeks tainted red while he wore a smirk. "I.. Um.. I should get that." Glitchtrap chuckled, pressing his head into my neck once I had turned around to face the almost forgotten entrance, "Of course.."

Any worries I held had been washed away from our moment, so I didn't even think twice when I opened the door. A woman with brown hair and green eyes stood there, her hand raised and posed to knock another time. The ends of her hair looked like it had once been dyed an assortment of colors, only it was now very dull. She wore a sweater that had a floral design going across it with a black pair of leggings to match. A moment passed before I began to notice the eery similarities of her and Richard. Of course, there could be many people with the same hair and eye color, however her face had a similar shape to it as well. Could they be twins?

We stared at each other in silence, almost as if we were both taking in each other's appearances. Then, she slowly cracked a smile at me, "Hi there! My name is Rosie, and I'm Richard's sister. He told me your address and I wanted to meet the girl who he.." She seemed hesitant before continuing, "...Who he kept gushing on about!" Glitch had since moved away upon hearing she was Richard's brother, causing me to miss the warmth. His warmth. I peeked up at the now glaring rabbit before turning my attention to hold my hand out to her, albeit a little cautious.

"It's.. Nice to meet you?" I couldn't help but sound it like a question, "I would say my name.. But you probably already know it, don't you?" I couldn't help the uncomfortable smile that crept up, drawing my hand back so I could step aside to allow her entry. "Come in, it's a little chilly out today." I could feel Glitchtrap's burning gaze without even having to look at him. "Thank you! And, yes, I know! It's (Y/N)!" She chirped in enthusiasm, heading inside, just barely missing the hare that now looked annoyed. Sorry Glitch. Then she gasped as if recalling something, "When I got here, there was a package on your porch! It should still be there."

I blinked, leaning forward to look outside, and sure enough, there was a rather large box sitting on my porch. How had I not noticed it sooner? Well, she was distracting me.. Wait, when was the last time I ordered something? Pure confusion became evident in my expression as I stared at the box, debating what to do with it. "I'll.. Check it out later." I trailed off as I closed the door, feeling off about the whole thing. If someone snatches it, I won't even care. I haven't ordered anything that I know of. I noticed her give me a confused look before she shrugged as she began to look around the room.

"Wow! You have a really nice place!" She seemed quite excited, strangely, hopping over to the couch and plopping herself down onto it. Yeah.. Just.. Make yourself at home? The look of disbelief Glitch sent me let me know he was thinking the same as me. I snickered quietly, clearing my throat to prepare to speak, "So.. What do you want to talk about?" Suddenly, it became extremely awkward. You know, I think Richard mentioned having a sister at some point. Maybe it was a passing comment on the drive home, but.. I'm not really sure. "Well.. How do you feel about Richard? You know, you make him very happy."

Rosie gave me a slightly nervous grin as she straightened her posture out. Why nervous suddenly? Might have to do with the rabbit that's now intensely staring at her, even if she couldn't see him. I held back a laugh from my observation, giving her a shrug instead, "Honestly, he seems like he'll be a good friend." I emphasized on 'friend', and I swear I saw Glitchtrap's shoulders sag in relief. Hm. Strange. That could've probably had something to do with our kis- "I see.. Okay.. So.. Maybe I should just tell you why I came here in the first place.."

Rosie once again bared that nervous grin at me. She stood from the couch, taking in a deep breath, as if she were about to make a confession to me right here and now. "I think you should stay away from him. He's.. Not well." Well, that certainly caught me off guard. My brows furrowed, "He's not? He seemed fine when he was with me?" I saw Rosie gulp, grasping at her shirt nervously within her fingers. "He.. He's obsessed with you, (Y/N). It's.. Scary.." At first, all I could do was stare at her blankly. Surely, it must be just a cruel joke..?

But I soon knew she was being honest when she continued with detail, "He has pictures of you on his bedroom walls.. He talks about you every day.. Even before now. I'm worried.. For your safety.." What the fuck? He only just called me yesterday after two years! Has he been watching me all this time? This is making my head hurt.. I felt shaken to my core, and the look of pure anger and disgust on Glitchtrap's face didn't help. Too much has happened today.. First another Glitchtrap and an estranged lady, now this. Before I knew it, before I could even think further, Glitch was looming over her with a hiss.

"Where.. Does.. Richard.. Live?" He snarled with a soft growl, his expression darkening as he awaited a response, He's.. Honestly quite terrifying.. The girl cowered under him, her eyes wide in shock at the sudden appearance of him. Rosie sputtered out nonsense for a moment, her gaze locked on Glitch's raging purple orbs, stuck in place like a deer in headlights. "Don't make me repeat myself." I could feel my heartbeat quicken from the dark undertone of his voice.. Glitch? "H-He.. J-Just down the r-road!" She managed to stutter out, quickly adding on, probably in fear of angering Glitch more, "H-His address is six four e-eight.. Y-Yellow house.."

Glitchtrap visibly calmed, nodding slowly, his eye ever so slightly twitching. "Alright, I best be off then.." He turned to me, a loving but protective glint in his eyes, taking me by surprise. "I'll be back home soon, Love.." Despite the situation, I felt butterflies in my stomach from the word 'Love', my eyes widening at him. Then, he reached his hands out, cupping my cheeks within them and caressing them with his thumbs. He leaned down, resting his forehead against my own before disappearing, taking his warmth with him.. In the end, my face felt hot, as I couldn't help but stare where he had once stood.

The sound of Rosie's breath hitching snapped me out of my small daze, my head turning slowly to look at her with a sudden sense of awkwardness. What do I do with her now? She.. Knows a little too much. I didn't quite like what that thought implied.. I nervously chewed on my bottom lip, softly clearing my throat to catch her attention. Rosie stayed silent until she managed to pull herself together, locking her wide emerald green eyes onto mine,

"Who the hell.. No, what the hell.. Was that?"

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