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Sarah's POV~

I took a deep breath as Paul opened the door for me, it felt so strange, but good in a way. I picked up my bag and turned to him"thank you, for everything."

He smiled"you don't need to thank me, I really don't want things to get worse for you." I nodded. He closed the door"either me or one of the boys' will be here to pick you up later. Have a good day at school." He said before driving away.

I walked up to the school, feeling uncomfortable under all the stares I was receiving. My hair was straightened and fell on my shoulders. I was wearing white skinny jeans with a green floral top and white flats. The weekend I had at the hospital with the boys made me feel good in a way, I wanted a change even though it was too soon to be thinking like that. Two days without someone laying a hand on you really does something.

I went to my locker, Gaby looked at me shocked"I see the boys had an affect on you."

I laughed, a real laugh"it's been two days since I've been home and no one has laid a hand on me. There's only two months left of school and I want to change my image, you understand right?"

Gaby smiled"it's really great to hear your laugh after all this time, you look beautiful though." I walked up to my best friend and hugged her for the first time in years, she stiffened for a moment before hugging me back. I took a moment to see what she was wearing. Gaby was wearing ripped skinny jeans, gray shirt with lace sleeves and her gray converse. Her hair was in a pony tail, Gaby didn't wear make up because its not like she needed it. I've always admired her fashion sense and her beauty.

The bell rang and we took our time getting to class, everyone looked at us when we entered the classroom. English is one of my favorites, but Mr. Rogers also teaching that class is torture. I could feel Mr. Roger's confused stare on me as I sat down"excuse me Miss, are you a new student?" He asked checking his attendance sheets.

I laughed"no, I'm still the same handful I was Friday."

It took him a moment before they all realized who I was"well good for you Watson, now answer this question or else you have detention for walking into my class late, and lets not forget your friend's too. Get it wrong, you both bring your lunch here."

I read the problem; "What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?"

I re-read the problem and brainstormed"that's easy, I thought you would've made it difficult for me."

He laughed"that is amusing because you think you've gotten it that quickly when they all got it wrong, so tell me the answer."

I smirked"plants and trees grow on it yet doesn't itself, is taller than trees and is looks like it's about to touch the sky by its height.." I paused and looked him dead in the eyes" it's a mountain."

The look on his face was gold, he checked the board again and his paper"that's correct, let me give you another." He stormed up to the board and wrote a new riddle"A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister."

I closed my eyes and sighed"she killed her sister because she hoped on seeing the guy at the funeral because he was at her mothers, why wouldn't he be at her sisters?"

His jaw dropped"my god, I've been teaching over fifteen years and no one has ever solved the riddles correctly and on the first try. Guess I underestimated you, Watson." He continued teaching.

The day went by really quickly because there was only one more period left and then I would be with the boys, I'm more excited than I should be. They were nice and funny, they seemed to care about me. Paul was right, the boys did make protecting me their priority. Lunch went by in a blur, same as study hall and gym. I went to my locker and got my stuff, I turned to walk out the door when I heard...

"damn fox, you finally gave into the nickname I gave you." Ugh, that arrogant son of a bitch.

Rolling my eyes, I left the school and went to wait for my ride"leave me alone, Ryder." I saw a SUV pull up, the boys inside.

He laughed, still following me"no can do, not until I get your new number and you say yes to me buying you dinner. What do you say?"

I faced him"no thanks, I'm not gonna be a random fuck, I have respect for myself and I wouldn't waste my time on you. We broke up for a reason."

He shook his head and leaned down, his 6'3 self met my 5'3 1/3 self. His lips hovered above mine"I'm not giving up on you Sarah, you'll be mine again." He said as his lips connected with my own, there were gasps and camera flashes. I just stood there...frozen. Ryder pulled away and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear"oh, you look beautiful by the way." He walked away and I just got in the car, not saying anything to anyone after I saw the look on Liam's face, it broke my heart.

Ryder Johnston was a handsome guy and sweet, his parents were rich and all the money went to his head making him an arrogant jerk. He was 6'3, had short dirty black hair, black eyes, perfect tan, adorable smile, had a well built body. In one word, he was yummy. We were best friends when I first transferred here then we dated for nearly 3 years but I pushed him away when my cougar of a mother started flirting with him and my dad started beating me because she payed him no mind. I broke up our relationship and friendship when he slept with my mom and he's been an ass ever since. He claims he still loves me, but actions speak louder than words.

The car stopped and they got out, but me and Liam just sat there, both of our heads down and we made no movement. Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Paul went inside figuring we needed a moment.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Liam whispered, looking at me.

I shook my head"no, he's my ex. He claims he still loves me and I don't even know where the kiss came from."

He shrugged"I wouldn't blame him, you're beautiful."

I stared at him for a brief second as took my hand in his in mine, squeezing his hand. Liam lifted our hands and kissed my hand, we smiled at each other.

"would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?" He asked.

I shook my head"you don't want to have dinner with me or be with me or have anything to do with me, I'll only cause you pain." A lone tear fell down my cheek.

He used his thumb to wipe away my tears and used the palm of his hand to make me look him in the eyes"I do, I care about you and I want to be there for you. I don't care if I get hurt, I just want you to be happy and safe."

I bit my bottom lip"you really are a great guy, I never thought I would meet someone like you."

He smiled then hugged me"so can I take you to dinner tomorrow night? And how's your wrist?"

I laughed at his randomness"it's the same as yesterday and the day before. And yes, I'll have dinner with you tomorrow night."

He wore the biggest smile I've ever seen"this is great, thank you for giving me a chance." I nodded as we got out of the car, I still had to be gentle because of my wrist and the fact that I could pass out if I push myself too much.

We went inside and he told the boys, they weren't aware that I heard them cheering. I sat on the couch and thought about one thing...


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