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My baby is almost done...I'm gonna miss this story.


Zayn's POV~

I couldn't believe Liam, I thought I knew him, but I guess I was wrong. I didn't even know that Liam and Sophia were engaged...Liam really screwed up. I left the hotel with Perrie and drove to Sarah's house. You think you know a person, but then they do something that surprises you. 

I heard Perrie sigh"how could he do this to her? He went on and on about how much he loves Sarah then turns his back on Sarah, he finally gets her back only to hide the fact that he's engaged to that bitch!" 

Sarah and Perrie are great friends and they're really close, we owe Sarah a lot for helping us when our relationship was rocky. I reached over and took her hand in mine"I don't know, babe, but I just hope that she's okay and we can't blame her if she wasn't." Perrie agreed. 

I reached Sarah's house and parked in the driveway, we walked up the steps and I used the key Sarah gave me to unlock the front door. "SARAH?!" I called out. Stefan ran down the stairs and hugged my legs. I picked him up"hey little man, where's your mum?"

He was sucking on his thumb"she in her bed...crying. Mister Liam made her cry." I nodded and carried him upstairs to Sarah's room, he jumped out of my arms and ran inside the room. Perrie and I walked in after him and I heard her curse Liam under her breath. Sarah was laying in her bed, Liam's clothes were thrown on the floor and some of them were even ripped or cut. I let go of Perrie's hand and walked over to the bed, I sat down next to Sarah and touched her shoulder, she looked at me and laid her head in my lap as she cried. 

I looked over to where Perrie was standing and she nodded"I'll get Stefan something to eat and I'll be back." I lifted her head off my lap and left the room with Stefan, leaving Sarah and Perrie to talk. 

"Uncle Zayn?"

I looked at Stefan"yeah, buddy?" 

"I don't like that man no more."

I frowned"who?" 

"Liam! He hurt mommy and made her cry. I hate him!" 

I picked him up"me too."

Sarah's POV~ 

I could feel Perrie staring at me and sighed'I feel so stupid." I admitted.

She sat down next to me"why? Liam is the one who should be saying that." 

I laughed"he kept telling how much he loves me and he even had the audacity to question my parenting skills yet he didn't even tell me that he was engaged. I left Adam for him and deep down, I knew that I was still hung up on Liam to give Adam all my love. I feel so stupid because I still love him." I cried. 

Perrie pulled me into a comforting hug"don't think like that because you can't help who you love. Liam is an ass for doing this to you and Sophia isn't even half the woman that you are. He's a fool and it's his loss." 

I smiled at her attempt to cheer me up"what would I do without you?"

She shrugged"who knows, but you would be misreable." I laughed at her. I stared at Liam's clothes that were on the floor and sighed"what's wrong?" I ignored Perrie and allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts. 

I've spent nearly six years in love with a man that shown me how to love, he's made me laugh, cry, smile. He's made me feel safe, protected and secure. He's stood up for me. He saw me at my highest and at my lowest. He's given me hope. He's been the one to build me up, but now he is the one breaking me. I love my son and I don't want him to go through what I've been through. I've done all I can to give him a good life and to make sure that he knows that he's loved. If something were to happen to me, I know he would be in good hands and he would be looked after. 

I got out of the bed and went to my closet, I grabbed some garbage bags and started packing all of Liam's stuff. I couldn' dwell on Liam anymore because it was time that I moved on from him. Loving him has done more harm than good and I couldn't stop thinking about myself; I had my son to think about and it's about time that I started living my life in fear. Once everyhing was in the trash bags, I took them outside by the trash. 

I thought about everything that I've been through and I realized that I've survived things that people couldn't. My parents, Ryder and now Liam were all obstacles that were blocking me from living my life. I wouldn't let anyone, especially not a man break me, hell would freeze before I let that happen. 

I went inside the house and changed my clothes, nothing fancy just black shorts and a black tank top with my all black converse. I made sure Zayn and Perrie were willing to watch Stefan for me, but they wouldn't let me out of their sight so they came along. On the way, I stopped at the florist and bought some flowers. I drove to the cemetery and walked to the oh so familiar tombstone that laid under the big oak tree.

I set the flowers down and got down on my knees, ignoring Zayn's and Perrie's confused facial expressions. I touched the tombstone was engraved;

 Ella Jesy Watson...beloved daughter and heaven's angel.

 I stroked the tombstone"I have to move on, but I can't do it. I love you so much, baby girl. I wish that you were here with me today because I miss you so much." I sighed and said'when Ryder and I were dating, I was pregnant a year into our relationship, but my baby girl died when I was giving birth to her. I don't like talking about her because I almost died that day too." I got up and grabbed my son's hand"Liam didn't just lie to me, he broke me." 

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