It's All My Fault

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I've been working on this chapter for over two weeks now, but I finally finished. I still can't believe Zayn is 20 years old right now, our boys are growing up so fast.


Zayn 's POV~

Everything happened so quickly. Liam running back to get his phone, taking a little girl out of the middle of the parking lot to her mom. A car was coming as Liam walked back to us, but he didn't see it but Sarah did. She pushed him out of the way and the car hit her instead, we screamed as the car sent her flying next to us, she was bleeding. Blood was oozing out from the back of her head, there was a wound on her forehead had her right leg looked like it was twisted. One word...


Liam rushed to her" babe, oh my god." The worry was clear in his voice and face, but you could see the fear there too. Liam picked up her hand, rubbing it as he placed her head on his lap, she wasn't moving at all" please come back, Sarah."

Paramedics soon arrived and started asking questions as they placed Sarah on a gurney" how did this happen?"

Liam got up, not wanting to let go of Sarah's hand" my girlfriend, she...she pushed me out of the way and the car hit her instead. This is all my fault."

"She's not breathing and I'm barely getting a heart beat or a pulse, we need to hurry." Yelled one of the medics as they placed the gurney in the back of ambulance.

Liam didn't want to let go of Sarah's hand" Liam, you should probably go with the boys and I'll go with Sarah." Said Paul.

Liam fiercely shook his head" no Paul, I am going with Sarah and you can't stop me."

Paul went to say something when Niall stopped him" Liam just go, we'll meet you there. Tell Sarah she has to pull through, she needs to live." Niall's voice was breaking and once I turned to face him, I saw why...he was crying. Niall was the one who pointed the car coming to us, he was really protective of Sarah, he also saw one of his best mates breaking in front of him.

Liam nodded and got in, closing the doors and the ambulance soon drove away. I pulled Niall into a hug as we got in the van, following the ambulance with Paul speeding.

We soon ran inside after the paramedics, a doctor took in the scene" I'm barely getting a heart beat or a pulse, bring me a defibrillator." He screamed and a nurse came running back with a machine. The doctor ripped open Sarah's shirt while the same nurse rubbed the paddles together and handed it to the doctor.

He pressed it down on Sarah's chest" clear" Sarah's body arched up then fell back. The doctor tried again" clear!" The doctor tried a few times before they got a weak steady pulse and heart beat, then they ran into the emergency room.

We all went to the waiting room, letting out a deep breath as we took a seat, Niall and Liam were trying to comfort each other. I closed my eyes and let this day sink in" where's my daughter?" My eyes shot open as they landed on him...Sarah's dad. He stood there with a few police officers behind him.

Paul stood up" she's going into surgery, we just got he-"

He cut Paul off" we need your statements, what happened?" Paul told him what happened, he just nodded as the officers wrote down what Paul was saying.

He was about to speak when the doctor came out" who is here for Miss Watson?" We all got out of our seats and he took a step back" I have good news and bad news." He noticed that we were waiting for him start" I'll start off with the bad news; her heart is weak, we need her to stay here for a few days so we can see if it soon beat steady. If we can't get a steady heart beat, we will need to do a heart transplant. Due to the previous stitches on the back of her head and the contact made with the concrete floor, we had to re-stitch them and she lost a little bit of blood." He paused" She has a small case of amnesia. Her right ankle is broken and we had to put another cast on her left wrist, she'll have an armband because we had to bandage her whole forearm. And for the good news.."

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