What did he do??

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This was sad to write:(


Liam's POV~

I stormed off backstage and took off my mic, I ran a hand through my hair and slid down the wall, placing my head in my hands. I didn't mean to lose it, I just couldn't stand what he was saying about me and questioning my relationship with Sarah. I heard footsteps and I looked up then looked back down" I understand if you want to yell at me for losing control out there, I'm sorry."

Someone sat down next to me" are you kidding? He deserved it, he's lucky you didn't punch him, he's lucky I didn't punch him." I shook my head at Louis.

I looked up and Zayn sent me a small smile" we are not going to yell at you, I don't understand why we would anyways."

Harry hugged me" we love you, Liam and there is no reason to be mad at you."

Niall agreed" yeah, it's been an emotional twenty four hours for you, an interview was the last thing you needed."

Paul held out a hand and I took it, he helped me up" I know you want to go to the hospital to see Sarah, but your parents are at the flat. Do you want me to tell them that you're coming now?"

I shook my head" no, I want to see Sarah. I want to go to the hospital."

Paul nodded and took out his phone" okay, I'll tell them. Let me drop you off, lets go." We left the studio, waving to fans that were waiting outside, got in the van and Paul drove to the hospital. I was nervous about seeing Sarah again, did she watch the interview? Would she be mad at me?

Paul parked and we got out, there were a few reporters outside the hospital. I ignored their questions as I made my way inside, I went to the hospital gift shop and look around. I got a bouquet of mixed tulips, a giant teddy bear, I payed and went to the elevator when I heard someone call my name" LIAM!!" I turned towards the voice and froze, it was my...my mum. She ran towards me and hugged me, then my dad, and then my sisters. I saw Louis, Niall, Harry, and Zayn's families as well. Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle were here too.

I looked at my mum" what are you all doing here?"

My mum touched my cheek" we heard there was an accident and that you were all involved, we weren't sure which one of you boys got hurt and you weren't answering your phone. We got worried and we've been on a flight here since three a.m."

My dad looked at me" Eleanor told us your girlfriend, Sarah pushed you out of the way and a car hit her instead. How did this happen?"

I told them what happened, they were shocked. My mum hugged me tight as a few tears ran down her cheeks" she saved my baby. Sarah saved you, I have to thank her." I nod and got up with the bear and flowers.

We went up to the floor where Sarah was staying. As we neared Sarah's room, we heard shouting" SARAH, GET BACK HERE!!" Sarah came out of her room, Ryder hot on her heels.

" LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, WE BROKE UP. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SELF CENTERED ARROGANT ASSHOLE!" Sarah yelled at him. She saw me and smiled, she started to make her way towards me, but was stopped when Ryder stood in her way.

I handed the bear and flowers to my mum and went over to them" what are you doing here, Ryder?"

Ryder turned to face me" oh, well isn't it the big bad famous boyfriend coming in to save the day. Can't I visit a friend? Or am I not good enough to see Sarah? I think you're scared that Sarah may still have feelings for me."

Sarah seemed to flinch at his words" I will never have feelings for you ever again, especially after what you did last night." Ryder froze.

I looked at them confused" what did he do last night?" I asked.

Ryder clenched his fists and glared at Sarah" keep your mouth shut, Sarah or I swear that you will regret it." He said through clenched teeth.

Sarah turned to look at me" I'm tired of being scared and keeping my mouth shut, Ryder, he...h-"

Ryder pushed me and punched me in the jaw, I fell to the floor. He grabbed Sarah and slammed her head against the wall, she fell and he started kicking her. I grabbed his left leg and pulled him down, I punched him over and over until I was pulled off him.

" Liam, calm down." My dad said. I took a deep breath and looked at him then ran to Sarah. She layed on the floor bleeding, she didn't look too god.

I placed her head on my lap as some nurses checked on her. Sarah weakly pulled on my hand, I rubbed her head" he, Ryder, h-" her eyes started to close.

I sniffed as my vision started to get blurry" he what? Sarah, please tell me."

She nuzzled her head in my hands as the nurses hooked her up to a machine. Sarah looked me in the eyes" he raped me!" She cried out low.

Her eyes closed and she stopped moving" Sarah? Sarah?" I called out, she wasn't responding. The nurses took her away on her gurney.

I wanted to go after Sarah, but the nurses wouldn't me" she's unconscious, please let us do our job. Please?" She told me before leaving. I turned back to the spot where Ryder was and he was gone.

" Liam, what did Sarah say?" I heard Gaby ask. When did she get here?

I didn't care that I was crying, I slowly turned around and faced everyone" she said that he raped her yesterday." They gasped.

Niall walked up to me and hugged me, I cried in his shoulder, gripping him tight. I closed my eyes hard, wishing that this nightmare would end and that Sarah was asleep in my bed.

But it wasn't a nightmare..it was real.

Pretending To Live(Liam Payne/ One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now