BIG Shock

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I've had this idea for this chapter for a while now and seeing Liam defending his relationship with Sophia fueled it.


Liam's POV~

Opening my eyes, I smiled when I rolled over and saw a naked Sarah sleeping next to me. I kissed her forehead before I sat up and looked around the room. Ever since Sarah and I were released from the hospital, I moved into her house with her. It was hard at first because Stefan had no idea who I was and he would cry for Adam; he didn't understand why his mum and dad weren't together anymore and why a strange man was living with them. Sarah and Adam had to sit down and talk to him, he cried for Adam and I couldn't blame him, but I did feel horrible for breaking up a family.

The lads and I had been giving six weeks off, they didn't want to risk my well being in just rushing back into everything. I wasn't complaining though, it gave Sarah and I a chance to pick up from where we left off and I tried to bond with Stefan.

"You okay, baby?" I looked down to see Sarah staring at me with a worried expression on her face. I nodded and leaned down, I pressed my lips to hers and pulled her body to mine. She wrapped her arms around me as she deepened the kiss.

"MOMMA!" We heard.

Sarah broke the kiss and sent me an apologetic smile"I'm sorry." She got out of bed and got dressed before she went to Stefan's room while I just laid there. Every morning, Stefan cries out for Sarah and he won't until she gets him. I find it annoying because Sarah is spoiling him and she should stop; he'll get too attached to her and that's not a good thing. No child should be too attached to their parent because that starts to be a problem when somethng happens to one of the parents. Sarah spoils Stefan which I don't approve of. Stefan is turning 3 years old in a few months and he should be doing simple things on his own, but he needs Sarah to help him with it and Sarah falls for it every time.

"Are you getting out of bed anytime soon, Liam?" I turned my head to look at Sarah who was carrying Stefan. He was wide awake yet she was still carrying him like he was a baby. I nodded and she left the room. Sighing, I got out bed and went to the bathroom to shower and to brush my teeth. As I stood under the faucet, I decided that I would talk to Sarah about how she's raising Stefan and how it wasn't good for him. Once I finished my shower, I got out and made my way to the closet. I decided on black boxer briefs, black basketball shorts, a plain white shirt with my black Nike running shoes.

When I went downstairs, I found Sarah cooking breakfast and Stefan was playing with his toys on the floor"babe, why did you put him on the floor? You know how cold it is in the mornings."

Sarah turned to me with a frown on her face"I always put him on the floor so he doesn't play with the food on the table and I KNOW that the floors are cleaned EVERY night, Liam." She watched me intently"what's this about, Liam?"

I picked Stefan off of the floor and set him down in his booster seat"I've just noticed how you take care of him and you're not exactly helping him, Sarah."

Her eyes widened"excuse me? Are you judging me on how I raise my son?"

I sighed"you do everything for him, Sarah and you treat him like he's a baby. He's turning 3 years old soon and he can't do anything without you rushing to his side and doing it for him. How is he supposed to learn when you're constantly hovering and smothering him?"

She stared at me before she walked up to me and slapped me"you have NO right to criticize my parenting skills because you weren't there from day one and I'll raise my son however I WANT! You can go fuck yourself, Liam. You just came back into my life as well as my son's, he doesn't know you and for all I care, he doesn't even have to acknowledge you as a father figure because he has Adam and I know that he'll be okay because he'll always have Sam as well." She walked over to the stove and turned it off before she picked up Stefan and glared at me"feed yourself and get the hell out of my sight." I heard the front door slam shut.

"Boy did you screw up." Sam said as he walked into the kitchen"now why did you have to open your mouth and tell her that shit? Sarah is an amazing mother to Stefan and she's raised Alex and I as if we were her own." I told him about everything and he just laughed in my face"you've only been here for a month and you've never been a father before so you shouldn't start being one now when all you're doing criticizing my sister's way of raising her son. You were an asshole and you pissed her off, meaning you pissed Stefan off and there's no way he's gonna want anything to do with your ass now." He grabbed a red apple out of the basket on the table"if I were you, I would do all that you could to get on Stefan's good side if you plan on staying with Sarah and you have BIG shoes to fill because Adam was and still is a good father to Stefan." With that, he left the house. I groaned once I let his words sink in; everything he said was the truth and I know Sarah wouldn't choose a man over her son.


I watched Sarah as she finished getting dressed, she rolled her eyes when she saw me in the mirror"stop staring at me and fix your damn tie, Liam." She snapped before she walked out of the room. Sarah was still not talking to me and half the time she wouldn't even acknowledge my presence and I couldn't blame her because I know that I was an ass.

Tonight we were going to a charity banquet. I was wearing a black tux, black dress shoes, a white dress shirt and a midnight blue tie that matched with Sarah's dress. My hair was slicked back with gel. Sarah walked back in the room with Stefan who was matching with me from my head to toe. Sarah was wearing a midnight blue silk sable one shoulder gown with black strappy platform heels and her hair was wavy. She kept her makeup very natural and finished the look with a simple tear drop diamond necklace. We went downstairs where both Sam and Joe were waiting, they were both dressed in black tuxedos and wore matching mint green ties. We got in the left the house and got in the limo that was waiting for us.

Sam smiled at his sister'thank you for inviting us, we promise that we'll be on our best behaviors."

Sarah smiled at him"you don't need to thank me, Sam and I know that you two always are always well behaved."

We got to the hotel where the banquet was being held and I realized that this was not only my first public outing since the shooting, but the first time Sarah and I would be revealing that we were back together. I helped Sarah get out of the car and we were instantly greeted with camera flashes and people shouting our names.

I watched as Sarah smiled at them and led us to a female tv reporter"wow Sarah, you look gorgeous as well. I see you brought Sam along with you and some man candy."

Sarah laughed"I always bring Stefan everywhere with me. This is my brother Sam and his boyfriend, Joe...and I'm sure you know Liam."

The reporter smiled"I do and it's nice to see that the two of you are okay after that shooting." She turned to me"now Liam...I heard about your engagement to Sophia, did you two set a wedding date yet?'


I turned to Sarah and I saw the hurt look on her face as well as the shocked ones on Sam's and Joe's faces. Her eyes welled up with tears and she smiled"excuse me, I need to take Stefan to the bathroom." The lady waved to Stefan as they left. I went to follow Sarah, but Sam stopped me.

He glared at me before he punched me in the jaw. Everyone was staring at us"stay away from my sister or else you'll regret!" I watched as he got back in the limo, Sarah made eye contact with me and I saw a tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away before she got in the limo and they left.

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