Shared Birthday

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I had a tough time picking a guy, but keep an eye open.


Sarah's POV~

Waking up, I smiled when I rolled over to see both of my guys sleeping. I stroked Stefan's cheek and sighed, my little is offically 3 years old now and I couldn't believe it. The years certainly went by before my eyes. The day I got Stefan was the best day of my life and nothing could ever top it. He's the only person that truly loves me and would not hurt me.

Now I looked at my big man sleeping and felt my cheeks heat up as I think about the way he treats me, kisses me and holds me. I'm grateful to Paul because he knows what I've been through and he doesn't mind waiting. For the past month and a half, I've been dating Paul Wesley, yes the actor. Jamie introduced us then a week after, I ended up having a photoshoot with him and slowly, our friendship turned into a relationship. It's been nearly three months since Liam broke what was left of my heart, but Stefan, Paul, Sam, and work have made everything bearable. Most people would call me every name in the book, but they can't blame for moving on. I mean, Liam was engaged to be married when we had gotten back together and he played me even after all the shit with Ryder he put me through.

My dad, Ryder and Liam made it hard for me to ever fully open myself to anyone else now. I should not even compare Liam to those monsters because they may have hurt me, but Liam wounded me and I have the scar to show it. I loved Adam and it hurts me to know that I hurt him in a way that he didn't deserve and when he found out about Liam's engagement, he spent the entire week with me to remind me that he'll always love me. Nothing happened between us, he just reminded me that I didn't need Liam and I've been through so much shit to let this break me.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth, wash my face and hair, and shave during my shower. I had a towel wrapped around my body as I did my hair and makeup. I left the bathroom and went got dressed in sweatpants and a tank top then I went downstairs. I made waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast with fruit smoothies then I got started decorating the house for Stefan's party. I always laughed at the irony; my son's name is Stefan and my boyfriend played a character named Stefan. I loved The Vampire Diaries and I always loved Stefan and Elena as a couple.

When I was hanging up Stefan's banner in the living room, I heard someone coming down the stairs and when I looked to see Paul holding Stefan, I smiled at them"look at my sexy man." I took Stefan out of his arms and kissed both of them"happy birthday, baby." He giggled when I kissed his face. I carried him to the kitchen and set him down in his chair"enjoy boys."

I went back to the living room to finish decorating while the staff and caterers started to show up, I showed them where everything was and left them to it. I had Paul take Stefan out of the house so I could finish and it was also a chance for them to bond. Stefan warmed up to Paul faster than he did with Liam which was great.

Perrie, Zayn, Niall, Louis, Harry, Sandy, Josh and Paul arrived early to help which I was extremely grateful for, plus I haven't seen them in a while and I did miss them. The usual texts and phone calls were nothing after a while. I was surprised to hear that they weren't as close to Liam like they were before and that Liam had changed since he was going through with his engagement to Sophia.

I pulled Perrie to the side"what do you mean he's changed?"

She stared at me"Sarah, don't. You're moving on and you're happy with Paul, don't let Liam's drama get to you."

I sat down in the chair that was the closest to me"I'm not doing that, Perrie. I just hate how he doesn't seem to care about his friendships and it's going to end up biting him in the ass and yes he hurt me, but that doesn't mean I want him to ruin his life."

She nodded"I understand and he was a big part of your life, you have a right to care about no matter how much of an ass he is. If he truly loved you, he wouldn't have played you like that, especially after you forgave him. I think the reason why he's still going through with the wedding is because he knows that he's lost you forever. And have you not seen Paul? That man is fine." I laughed at the last part.

"Babe?" We heard Paul call as he walked into the room with Stefan, he greeted Perrie with a hug and Stefan wanted his godmother to hold him. Paul kissed me"there's someone I want you to see so close your eyes." I closed my eyes and let him lead me to this mystery person"okay, open!" I opened my eyes and couldn't believe it.

I ran over to Gaby and hugged her tightly, well I did my best with her since she was seven months pregnant with a girl. I haven't seen her since her birthday in March and I missed her like crazy. I hugged Chris"I missed you guys like crazy and did your dog have more puppies?"

They nodded. Chris picked up the brown chihuahua"she's for Stefan." I rolled my eyes at them and when Stefan saw the puppy, he went NUTS. Chris handed her to him"she's yours, buddy. What are you going to name her?"

He set the puppy down and she started to lick his face"Sugar!" I shook your head at my son. Once he finally calmed down, I took him upstairs to bathe him and dressed him up in his black jean shorts, his black and blue plaid shirt with his all black converse then I braided his hair.

We went back downstairs and I took him to the living room"SURPRISE!" Everyone jumped out from their hiding spots and sang Happy Birthday to Stefan, but he was just running after Sugar which was being recorded. The party had a superhero theme since that boy loves SuperMan and Thor. I spotted Paul talking to Louis and Niall, I walked over to them and winked at Niall and Louis who nodded. I wrapped my arms around Paul"come with me, baby." I grabbed his arm and led him outside"SURPRISE!" Another thing Stefan and Paul shared in common were birthdays. Paul turned to me with a smile and kissed me.

Both parties were amazing and I had time to spend with my guests as well as my birthday boys. We ate, drank, opened gifts, and took pictures then ate cake. It brought a smile to my face whenever I saw Paul and Stefan rider her, it truly touched my heart to know that they were getting along.

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