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Endeavor's POV:
Ugh, where is he now?! I haven't seen him in months, he'd better not be skipping training too. How are any of us supposed to know if he's okay? Unless... he hasn't used his quirk around me so often anymore, maybe it's gotten weak?

Is that why he's been staying away, does he not want us to know something? Now I feel bad... Shoto's supposed to feel safe telling me these things... maybe if I try acting nicer I'll get some answers.

I just need to know that he's not sick or dying.
Third Person POV:
Midoriya clung to Todoroki and let out one final moan as the two finished having sex. This time they'd had multiple rounds, so after this Midoriya went limp and held onto his boyfriend for support. Todoroki just gave him a small smile and gently laid him in bed before pulling the covers over them. They started sharing a room together the previous year.

Midoriya let a smile come on as he felt a gentle kiss on his forehead, then Todoroki pulled him into a warm embrace. While the intercourse was amazing, sometimes their favorite part was the afterglow, where they'd just lay together holding each other close and cuddling, while giving each other small and loving pecks and saying sweet things to each other. This didn't happen all the time, but when it did happen, they'd both make the moment last.

Todoroki: I love you.

Midoriya responded by leaning up to gently kiss his boyfriend on the lips. Then he cuddled closer and spoke quietly.

Midoriya: You are incredible, you know that? I love you too, Shoto.

This made Todoroki smile brightly, and the two went in for another kiss. They began to feel their exhaustion catch up for them, and they fell asleep moments later.
Three Months Later
Midoriya's POV:
"Oh god oh god oh god oh god"

Two lines again.


I threw that one away and pulled out the second to last one, took it.

Two again.


Midoriya: "Th-this can't—I-I can't be... NO!"

Now there were about ten tests in the trash, every single one had two lines on it. I started bawling.

Midoriya: "Why..? W—Why now?!"

I was trying not to panic now, trying to feel happy about this, but all I could think about was the bad circumstances.

I was going to become an official hero next year. I was still in high school, I was still young. And now I had to put it all on hold, or even drop it all together, right after I tried so hard to get into this school.

I only had to wait a year, too...

And then Shoto's family—Oh god, how was I gonna tell Shoto?!

What would he think about this...? This could have screwed up his training too... not to mention how overbearing and controlling his family was, they didn't even know that we were together!

My head had started to ache and I put my head in my hands, what was I going to do? What about my friends, my mom...?

It was in the morning, so I went to my classes, and probably looked like I watched a nomu kill someone. That would explain why a few people asked me if I was sick.

I did know the first thing I had to do, I went down to the Recovery Girl's office and was blunt. She knew about my condition, specifically in my reproductive system, so there wouldn't be much confusion.

I felt so angry with myself, how could I have been so irresponsible? Not only did I do this to myself, I did it to Shoto as well... I should have been more careful. I should have double checked that I had taken my pill before we did it.

But I looked down, I didn't want them gone, I didn't hate them. The more that thought lingered, the more comfortable I felt with this. But I really wished that the timing was better. I didn't even know if Shoto wanted this or not.

The Recovery Girl saw me and gave me a welcoming smile.

Recovery Girl: Ah, young Midoriya. What brings you in here today? Not another broken arm, I hope?

I looked down, and she frowned as she could read the humiliation on my face and didn't hear me laugh. I usually would laugh at those jokes, but not then. I spoke.

Midoriya: I, I just need a couple tests done... I think I did something really irresponsible... I have to know for sure... and I want to know if this'll get me expelled or not...

By this point she had a worried expression, and responded.

Recovery Girl: What are the tests for? What did you do?

I let my hair fall over my face as tears started welling up.

Midoriya: I think I'm pregnant...
Two Hours Later
Third Person POV:
Midoriya sat on the edge of his bed, after being released from the nurses office with only one change in knowledge. That knowledge being how far along he was, eight weeks.

While he was comforted by All Might's words earlier, he still had no idea what to say to Shoto. Izuku suddenly jumped when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

Midoriya: Ah! Shoto! Don't scare me like that!

Todoroki: My bad, I'm sorry.

Todoroki was a little bit surprised at the outburst, but was more concerned when he saw that Izuku had been crying.

Todoroki: Izuku? What's the matter? Did I really scare you that badly...?

Midoriya quickly shook his head.

Midoriya: No no no! I'm, sorry I yelled, I'm a little stressed. It wasn't you...

Todoroki still looked concerned, but it was clear that he didn't want to pry.

Todoroki: If you say so, but if something's bothering you, you can talk to me, okay?

Midoriya smiled.

Midoriya: Okay.

The couple then hugged each other, and Midoriya felt less worried about the situation, but, wait...

The Recovery Girl said that she got an injury scan earlier that day and got the same medical diagnosis, he wasn't the only person with that issue.

But then, who got that scan...?
The door to the bedroom was locked, and it was pitch black. The only way you knew somebody was in there, was because of their crying.

Eijiro was choking on the oxygen his lungs were trying to get a hold of, and his sobbing was the only thing you could hear in the dorm room.

Kaminari had passed by to see if Kirishima was okay. But he told Denki he was fine, and to leave him alone.

That's when Kirishima opened his eyes again to stare at the printed picture of his scan, which he had asked the Recovery Girl for. Eijiro looked at a spot in the picture and put the palm of his right hand into his face, immediately soaking it with tears.

Kirishima: Oh... why, Katsuki...?

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