Chapter Seventeen

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One Week Later
Bakugo's POV:
Deku's apparently getting real close to having the kid now, I've been helping out more and more the longer this has gone on. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the situation at this point. I want to be happy for Deku, but I can't forget about what he's risking, and what the Half'n'Half is risking.

Plus, a part of me is surprised that Deku's walking around as easy as he is, you'd think that carrying another human being inside you at all times would be extremely heavy. To be fair, that probably just made him used to it, and helped build muscles and stuff. Not just that, he looks like he's going to pop, or at least that's how others had described it, this concept is still somewhat new to me. And I'm unfamiliar to some of the terminology.

I didn't want to be that jerk again, not after how that initial outburst ended, especially between Eijiro and I. But I was just concerned about how Deku was going to deal with all these new issues once the kid was born. He already gets stressed super easily, maybe he'd worked through that, but I couldn't say with certainty that Deku was completely aware of what he and Half'n'Half were getting into. Especially considering what I've heard about Icy-Hot's family... The rest of me had a feeling that Izuku already knew this.

To be fair, I had been trying to help, and I think a part of me was starting to get really attached to the kid. Not in any kind of creepy way, it felt like I cared about them like they were my niece/nephew. That kind of thing. In the very least it would make sense with Deku and my old friendship and whatnot. I mean I didn't even hesitate helping get the essentials for Half'n'Half while he took Deku to the bus last week. Either way, it seemed like I was taking the kid's safety really seriously now. And I was also slightly more protective of Izuku since he was more vulnerable than ever.

This kinda made me notice that I wouldn't have a whole bunch of issues with having a kid. Not intentionally while I was that young, but just in general. In fact, if it did end up happening, I didn't think I'd be that upset at all.

I also regretted what happened between Eijiro and I. I could understand why he was upset with me, but I don't know if he was actually thinking about what could happen to Deku's future as a hero. I wish I didn't break our thing off, even if we weren't technically in a real relationship, if I was being honest I kinda considered it that. I loved Eijiro. I never said that out loud though, since Eijiro loudly agreed that it was just a thing as fuck-buddies—his words—not an actual couple.

It wasn't even him constantly insisting it to the point that I'd think he was hiding something. He would just be really firm and nonchalant whenever he said he didn't think of me or our relationship that way. It honestly made me a little disappointed every time he said it, but I didn't think it was that serious.

So it did surprise me how upset he looked when I broke that thing off. Considering how clear he made it that he just thought of us as fuck-buddies. Maybe there was something else that I was missing?

I guess some supernatural bullshit heard me admit that at one point, since I was getting a wound healed and bandaged when I heard the phone ring. I was the only person in the room, and it might have been important. So I figured I'd do the whole: "Hi, student speaking", thing.

And I was right, it was from the hospital.

Bakugo: Uh, hi? Student speaking?

-?: Hi, are you Kirishima Eijiro?

I tilted my head a bit and felt a little bit worried.

Bakugo: Um, no, I'm one of his classmates.

-?: Oh, okay. Well this is a call from Musutafy General Hospital, if you could tell him that little Tashi's healthy enough to be taken home, that would be great.

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