Chapter Twenty

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One Month Later
Bakugo's POV:
Okay, I promised myself that I'd try to stay calm when I approached Eijiro, but god fucking damnit, he'd started to avoid me like the actual plague!

Every time he saw me he made sure that I never got close to him, or never saw him. And if he had to be around me, he made sure that there were several people in the room with us. Deku and Icy-Hot promised that they only told him about me helping Deku have his kid, not everything else. So I seriously had no idea what the issue was.

He'd been doing this for a whole month now, I hadn't been able to get a single word in with him. And I couldn't talk about Tashi with him in front of other people. Deku told me that very few people knew about Tashi, and Eijiro would probably hate me for talking about that in front of our classmates.

But I'd managed to get on friendlier terms with Sero, Mina, and other close friends of Eijiro's, and it looked like there was a really good opportunity.

I peeked into one room and saw Eijiro talking with Mina and Sero, and the three of them were the only ones in the room. Which was the best opportunity I had gotten the entire month.

So I walked in and headed over to the three.

Bakugo: Hey, guys.

Eijiro immediately gave me a look and Mina and Sero didn't notice.

Mina/Sero: Hey, Bakugo-Kun.

I honestly decided to just be blunt with this. This had gotten drawn out for too long already.

Bakugo: Uh, actually, would you mind if I talked to Kirishima alone for a bit?

The two just smiled nodded.

Sero: Oh no problem, dude.

Mina: We have an assignment from Aizawa to work on, anyway. See ya later, Kirishima!

Sero and Mina walked out and headed to the dorms, leaving Eijiro and I alone—about time. I almost laughed at the look on Eijiro's face. He looked like he had just had his head pushed down onto the main board of a guillotine.

Then I took a deep breath, less nervous but more relieved that I can finally have this conversation.

Bakugo: Hey, look, I don't want this to drag on too long either but—

Kirishima: Hey, what's your problem?

That caught me off guard a little.

Bakugo: 'Scuse me?

Kirishima: You've been trying to get me alone for the past month and it's starting to look a little creepy!

Bakugo: I wasn't intending it to look that way I just needed to talk to you about something and I'm starting to get annoyed with you constantly avoiding me! I know we need to talk about—

Kirishima: Why try to get me alone then? Why can't we talk about whatever it is in a public area?

Bakugo: Because I know you'd be pissed at me if we had this specific conversation in front of your friends! You hated the idea of anyone even knowing we were in a relationship, remember?

Then Eijiro's eyes widened and his face went a little red.

Kirishima: Is that what this is about? Why would you need to talk about that?

I sighed, clearly noticing him mistaking what I was saying, and decided to roll with it. I might as well put both issues into the conversation. I walked a little closer.

Bakugo: Well, because we didn't really talk about the break up after it happened. It just happened and we moved on or whatever? I don't really see myself or you for that matter getting super far if we don't at least have a five minute conversation about it.

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