Chapter Eight

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One Week Later
Kaminari's POV:
Looks like I've managed to find where that new villain group is hiding. I quickly snap a picture and head back to the school, which is about a three and a half to four hour walk.

Once I'm back on campus I walked around on the roof since it's faster, and I walk by this pipeline, before hearing some scratching noises. I walked over to the pipes and see one of them rattling a little bit, and then an angry and kinda scared mewing sound echoed through and the scratching got more desperate, something was stuck.

I was a little worried about using my quirk so I just grabbed something from training out of my bag and used it to start prying the pipe open. When it opened enough I could grab whatever was in there I put both my hands down and grabbed it.

Once I grabbed the animal I felt several tiny needles digging into my hands, but I didn't budge and pulled the animal out of the pipe and brought it closer to me. I quickly wiped the large clumps of dust off of it and apologized, then it looked up at me curiously.

Then with some hesitation I gently ran my thumb over a small cut sticking out from the soft fur. A small cat, one that had pale yellow fur, a sorta bushy tail and bright yellow eyes. Then I noticed my hands bleeding a little, and realized I still had to fix the broken pipe.

I gently placed the cat down and spent the next five minutes or so trying to squeeze the pipe back together. Eventually it got to a point where I couldn't move it anymore and called it good. The cat was still there looking up at me. I wasn't that stupid, but I was a little surprised. How long had she been able to do that?

The cat then got up and rubbed her face on my leg, purring quietly. Then I knelt down and picked her up, being sure not to touch the gash, then grabbed my stuff and headed back to my dorm—it was dark out by that point.

When I walked into the main dorm a few of my classmates were there and immediately spotted the cat.

Ashido: Hey! Where'd you get the cat from?

I just shrugged, deciding that it was probably a bad idea to say that I found a villain crawling through the pipes as an animal as an attempt to get into the school, (which she kinda succeeded at...).

Kaminari: I found her, she got stuck in, a thorn bush.

That kinda made sense, but I still felt a little stupid for stuttering like that. At least I had the cut on Toga's side to back me up.

Uraraka: Aww, poor thing! Glad you got her, Kaminari-Kun!

Asui: Is that why you're back so late? Kudos for helping the cat but it's almost eleven and we were getting a little worried.

Kaminari: Sorry, I just took longer on my walk, and then I found her...

Jiro narrowed her eyes at me, making me feel uncomfortable, the cat noticed and hissed at her.

Iida: At least you have a valid reason, don't make a habit of it!

Kaminari: I'll try not to, I swear!

All the classmates that were in the room had a good laugh at that, I noticed that Kirishima had already went to bed. I heard the cat purring and saw her rubbing her face against my hand. Then we all went to bed and I took the cat into my room and set her down.

Kaminari: Clever, real clever. How long have you been able to do that?

The cat shrugged, and within fifteen seconds I was looking at Toga again. She was sitting on the bed with her usual smile.

Toga: Well, since I first got my quirk? I've just never used it up until now because I couldn't get access to the right resources that I needed.

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