Chapter Twenty Five

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(A/N: Warning, this chapter has a homophobic slur and abuse)
Three Hours Later
Todoroki's POV:
Izuku had fallen asleep half an hour ago, and I gently laid him down so he'd sleep more comfortably. Then I leaned down and gently kissed him on the forehead.

Todoroki: "I should probably get some water and food for when he wakes up, he usually gets really dehydrated when he cries that much."

I still felt really bad about what happened between him and his mom, he sent a text to her earlier but didn't get a response. It was something like: "Mom, I'm really sorry about our fight, what happened wasn't intentional, and I didn't mean to hurt you or make you upset, I'm sorry, please say something..."

I quietly exited the room and shut the door, letting out a quiet sigh. I then went downstairs and went to the kitchen to get some food and water. But I heard talking.

I didn't realize that my siblings got back, so I had to be extra quiet. I was able to get past them, and I set the water and food out on the small table in the room.

While I waited for Izuku to wake up I held Yuki, who was also asleep, but held onto my shirt.

I peered at Izuku for a minute and saw his wedding ring glinting in the light. I sighed, it was still obvious that he'd been crying. Even though I said that my siblings would likely not do anything, I meant physical damage, it was still a better idea to keep Izuku hidden with Yuki.

They might not do anything physical, but at least for Natsuo, there's nothing stopping him from verbally harassing Izuku, Fuyumi likely wouldn't do anything to stop him.

This wasn't actually my room, it was a room that I used to hide all my All Might posters, I even moved a small table and a sleeping mat into it, and it was where I'd usually go to hide when someone was angry with me.

I knew my family members rarely got close to it, and you couldn't even hear much out of it from a distance. It was a lot safer than risking Endeavor and my siblings coming in and finding Izuku and Yuki. Every other place I could have them both stay instead was unavailable at that point, everyone who would have let him stay with them, were either on trips, or were too busy. So it wasn't like we had a choice with this.

Izuku finally woke up half an hour later, and I gave him a small smile.

Todoroki: Hey, sleep well?

Izuku gave a nod but frowned a couple minutes later, likely remembering what had happened. After checking his phone and spotting something, he looked like he wanted to die. I gently set Yuki down and reached out to him.

Todoroki: Izuku?

Izuku suddenly started crying again.

Midoriya: She blocked me... but she first sent me a reply...—*hic*—s—saying she wants nothing to do with m-me anymore...—she doesn't love me anymore, I'm just d—*hic*—

Without finishing he started crying hard. He showed me his phone and my heart sank as I read the message. I immediately leaned forward and hugged him tightly as he kept crying. I felt like crying for him myself.

It was one thing for Ms Midoriya to stop talking to Izuku because of Yuki and I, but it was another thing for her to just go ahead and tell Izuku that he was dead to her and that she doesn't love him anymore before blocking him.

Todoroki: Oh my god, Izuku I'm so sorry... you didn't deserve that...

Midoriya: Y—Yes I do...! If I hadn't been so s—stupid—She wouldn't have—

Todoroki: Izuku!

I gently pushed Izuku back so he could look at me.

Todoroki: Izuku, look at me. You did not deserve that. What happened between you and your mom has nothing to do with your intelligence. You're one of the smartest people I know. I love you, so much... you made my life so much better ever since I met you. And especially since the sports festival. I promise, you did nothing to deserve being disowned like that. You're not stupid. This wasn't your fault.

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