Chapter Thirty Seven

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The Next Morning
When Endeavor and Fuyumi came to the hospital, they brought their gifts, and waited for a few minutes, as the couple was speaking with Midoriya's parents presumably.

Midoriya's mom was still there, but it looked like she had reconciled with her son. She walked out to leave the two alone with Midoriya's father, and as she saw the Todoroki's, she went over to speak to them. Once they got close enough, Endeavor held out his hand.

Endeavor: Hello, Midoriya-San, I'm Shoto's father.

Midoriya's mom gave a small smile and gently shook his hand. Then Fuyumi spoke.

F. Todoroki: I'm his older sister, Fuyumi.

I. Midoriya: Well, it's nice to meet both of you. I'm Izuku's mom, and his father is in the room with them. They had to leave in a rush to go to the hospital, and he spent the night watching their daughter. So they're taking longer to catch up.

Endeavor: That's alright. Shoto mentioned last night that there was a scare, so everything is still okay, right?

Inko nodded with a relieved smile.

I. Midoriya: Yes, they're both fine. Apparently there was a quirk malfunction involved, but they were able to fix it before it got too serious.
Midoriya's POV:
Shoto was still next to me hugging me warmly, and I would have fully hugged him back if I wasn't holding the baby.

Midoriya: Is Yuki doing okay back at home, dad?

All Might: Yeah, she was asking where you went, and I didn't want to jump the gun on answering until I knew for sure that everything was okay. She knows you'll be back in a couple days. Your friends are having her stay at their house for now.

Midoriya: "I'll need to thank Kacchan and Kirishima for that later..." Do you need to get more sleep?

Dad shook his head.

All Might: No, I'm alright, my boy. I can sleep when I get home. What did you decide to name him again?

Todoroki: Toya, after my oldest brother.

Toya squirmed in his blanket a bit and cooed loudly. I brought him closer to me, and it turned out he was hungry. Dad got the hint and left the room to give us some privacy. Knowing him, this was also his way of saying that he had nothing else he could think of to talk about.

I started feeding Toya, and smiled as I heard him coo and hold onto me.

I giggled a bit when I felt Shoto gently kiss me on the cheek, and his quirk was a little active, so it was extra warm.

Todoroki: I love you...

Midoriya: I love you too...

Toya eventually let go and fell asleep. Shoto leaned down to plant a kiss on Toya's forehead while I fixed my shirt.

Then we heard a knock at the door.

Todoroki: Come in.

Endeavor walked in first, waving hello to both of us.

Endeavor: Good morning both of you, and congratulations on Toya. How are you feeling, Midoriya? Shoto said there were some issues last night?

I smiled at him and replied quickly.

Midoriya: I'm okay. I'm just a bit tired. Thank you for asking.

Fuyumi walked out from behind Endeavor and waved nervously.

F. Todoroki: Good morning.

Shoto and I waved back.

F. Todoroki: Uh, did everything go okay...?

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