Chapter Nineteen

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The Next Day
Todoroki's POV:
The Recovery Girl helped Izuku, so he's doing a lot better, but he'll still need to stay in bed for a week, and then for two weeks he'll have to slowly ease back into training.

Most of the students called their parents once the teachers gave the okay, and Izuku was one of them. Of course not all of the parents were able to come immediately, but Izuku's mom's schedule allowed for her to quickly pop over and make sure he was okay. Izuku asked if I would be fine with watching Yuki while his mother was here, and I didn't object.

His mom visited two hours ago but had to go back to work, I didn't even see her. Then around noon I got a call from my brother, Natsuo, and my heart sank when I noticed he wanted to FaceTime specifically. That usually meant he either wanted to look for injuries, or I was in serious trouble—90% of the time it was the latter.

I did manage to hand Yuki back to Izuku, and went to another room before I answered.

Todoroki: Hi...

Then I felt a bit of surprise when I saw Fuyumi on the screen too.

-N. Todoroki: Where are you?

Todoroki: I'm at the training camp, the main campus got attacked by the League of Villains.

-N. Todoroki: When did this happen?

Todoroki: About a month ago, we had to evacuate immediately.

-N. Todoroki: So why didn't we hear about this sooner?

Todoroki: The teachers didn't want to risk villains finding us through any means, they only gave us the okay to contact parents this morning.

-N. Todoroki: That's bullshit, you just don't want to get in trouble.

I think a part of me was done with this by now. So I snapped back.

Todoroki: Do you want me to hand the phone to a teacher? I'll gladly do that.

-N. Todoroki: Hey! Don't get snippy with me! You stupid delinquent!

I thought that insult was going to hurt worse than it did, I just shrugged. I was definitely done at this point.

Todoroki: I'm serious, there's a teacher a few feet away from me. Do you want to ask him? It should only take about fifteen seconds.

Then Natsuo seemed to get mad and I actually shuddered a bit.

-N. Todoroki: That's it! I'm going to tell my buddy about this when he comes over, and then he'll really give you something to lie about, you stupid troublemaker! Got it?!

If I was still naive when it came to my mother I would have tried thinking about my memories with her. Unfortunately, now that I know better, I can't look at those memories the same way anymore. Not the memories of her trying to defend me, and not even the memory of me watching All Might with her and her telling me that who I become is my decision. Now that I know she hated me all that time. All those moments were empty on her end, and I was the fool who thought she loved and cared about me.

This made my throat start to burn and I immediately started blinking back any tears that started showing up. There was no way I could cry in front of them. That would get me saddled with even more pain for being weak.

So I just nodded and held my emotions back with the strongest internal wall I could put up.

Todoroki: Okay, that's fair.

Then Aizawa saw me going into that lockdown mode and I felt a mix of panic and relief flood over me when he took my phone. Then he noticed my siblings on the screen and spoke up.

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