Chapter One

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Three Days Later
Midoriya's POV:
I was laying in bed, unable to sleep, despite the fact that I had an exam the next day. But I couldn't get this out of my head. Especially when I could feel Shoto's arm around me, and our general closeness as we laid in bed together. He, however, was luckily asleep, and couldn't see my discomfort.

It had been three days! Almost four! How had I been able hold off on the conversation that I knew we needed to have?

I remembered the first person I told, and how it went:

All Might: Let's not panic just yet, young Midoriya... as long as we're careful, and you give yourself enough time to think the situation over, you'll be okay.

I looked up at All Might who tried giving me a reassuring smile. But I could tell he was shocked and maybe a little disappointed.

Midoriya: But, you've already put so much of your time into training me, and trying to help me get into this school and become a hero, but now, I had to be irresponsible and waste your time!

All Might then pulled away slightly so I was face to face with him. He now had a stern look.

All Might: Izuku, look at me, you will never, be a waste of my time. I picked you to train for a reason. Don't immediately give up and think that effort has gone down the drain! Look at you! You're in the top class! You've made it through some of the toughest missions I've seen any student and hero deal with! Do you have any idea how proud I am of you? If you can go toe to toe with Overhaul and Shigaraki and win, what's being a parent going to do to halt your streak?

I smiled and hugged All Might tightly, starting to cry.

Midoriya: I'm mostly just worried about Shoto, I don't know how he'll react, and if Endeavor finds out about this...

I instinctively hugged All Might tighter, and he gently patted me on the back.

All Might: You'll be okay, I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to any of you three.

Damn it, how could I?! Shoto should have been the first person I told! What was I thinking?!

I heard Shoto muttering my name in his sleep, and guilt started pooling in my stomach. How could I hide this from Shoto? I should have told him immediately! How had I suddenly become so scared? To the point where I'd try to hide something as important as a baby from him?!

And then I felt sick, either from the guilt, or more likely from the morning sickness. Either way, I got up and ran to the bathroom.

After shutting and locking the door, I ran over to the toilet and threw up, feeling that familiar burn in my throat from the stomach acid.

Morning sickness had started two weeks ago, and I was lucky that Shoto had barely noticed. I just thought that I had a bug so I didn't mind, then I remembered that kink with my system, and I took the tests... Shoto still asked if I was okay, after seeing how pale I was, but I brushed it off, and told him it was just because I was nervous about the exam.

I threw up a few more times before I was dry heaving, and called it safe. I braced my arm on the counter while my arm instinctively crossed over and rested on my stomach as it started to ache and churn with unease. That's when I heard the knocking on the door.

-Todoroki: Izuku? Are you okay?

I groaned, not surprised that I woke him up. I was about to tell him I'm fine, but heard a voice in my head.

"Tell him! Tell him now!"

I sighed and got up, getting rid of the evidence before walking over to the door, feeling a little sick and dizzy again once I unlocked and opened the door.

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