Chapter Twelve

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Two Weeks Later
Kaminari's POV:
I felt completely numb at this point, I'd been stuck with Jiro for the past month and she'd apparently already "set me straight", I didn't cry anymore, I knew I'd get hurt if I cry. I couldn't wear certain clothes outside the uniform, I'd get hurt for that too. And all of this with her holding that stupid recording over my head.

But I'd been more careful, and I'd still manage to sneak a conversation or two with Toga while she was disguised as Kirishima, (I knew it was her based off her demeanor, and she'd flat out say it). I hadn't told Kirishima what happened with Jiro, but Toga figured it out.

The class hadn't let me live it down either, they constantly brought it up, as well as Jiro's comment about me being small. And I'd always die inside when that happened.

I was just laying on my bed now, since that's the only thing I'm allowed to do at the moment, when Jiro walked in. She looked pissed.

Jiro: You're still talking to that villain, aren't you?

I looked surprised, but then she spoke again.

Jiro: You seriously thought that I'd trust you to walk around on your own? Fat chance. And why did Kirishima act and talk like her? And why, does the real Kirishima, have no idea what you two were talking about twenty minutes ago?

My heart sank, I tried speaking but then I couldn't breath, she was choking me again. Then I was stuck on my back. Then I couldn't move.

Jiro: You know what's going to happen now, don't you?

The answer was yes, but my head was screaming no.

Kaminari: "No, no! Please, NO!"

I tried screaming but got hit in the face.

Jiro: Shut up! This is what happens when you don't do as I say! Just calm your ass down and enjoy this! What can you do anyway? Nobody will believe you if you say anything!

Kaminari: "PLEASE, NOT AGAIN!!!"
The class had been laughing at me when I walked through, but I went straight to Sero. I quickly took him to a private room.

Sero: Dude, are you okay?

I didn't speak at first. How was I supposed to bring this up with my friend?

Kaminari: Sero-Kun... Jiro, she slept with me.

Sero: Pfft! Wow, really?—

Kaminari: Without my consent... She—

I didn't want to say the word out loud. Sero stared at me for a minute, but then smiled like this was a joke.

Sero: C'mon, Kaminari-Kun, how could that happen? Are you sure you aren't exaggerating?

I stared at Sero, and my heart started sinking.

Kaminari: Wh—no! She even did it again earlier this morning! If I tried screaming, she'd hurt me! Why would I be exaggerating?! It was horrible!

Sero tilted his head.

Sero: Hey, you had to have liked it a little bit right? Especially with you hanging out with Mineta all the time—

I lost it then, there goes any hope of finding someone here to help me.

Not even my best friend stopped assuming me to be Mineta's proxy or whatever. Not Ashido, not Kirishima, not even Sero. That hurt. So bad. I felt my throat start burning but I started fighting the tears, I can't cry. Not in front of him, he already has his issues.

So I just left the room. I walked through the crowd of students, some were still laughing at me. But I just felt numb. It seemed like I was in so much pain I couldn't feel anything else. I noticed a few concerned looks when I wasn't responding to anything. I walked straight out to the pool area.

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