Chapter Twenty Nine

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(Warning: Long chapter!)
Four Months Later
Hawk' POV:
I was writing my monthly report at the moment. For the past year, I'd been acting as a spy to the new villain team that people have gotten concerned about. They're the Vanguard Action Squad again, except the members are different and stronger than before. They only have two of the original members.

Honestly, considering what I've experienced with them the whole time, I really don't think they're that much of a threat. At least not to the heroes and the general population.

Every battle I've joined them for, it seems like they're actually doing a favor for the heroes with how much they fight the League. I feel incorrect for even calling them villains. At worst I'd all them Anti-Heroes leaning a bit close to the villain angle, they might not have licenses, and they still kill when they deem it necessary.

But for all intents and purposes, they have genuinely good intentions. Even if those intentions weren't executed in the way the law likes. Maybe that's why they don't like them... from the Commission and government's perspective, they could set a bad example. And if not dealt with accordingly, people could start cheering them on and mimicking their habits.

That's why they made the team out to be such a massive threat, when really it's the opposite. I'd even consider them an ally of sorts.

They clearly have the same issues with the League as we do, and are set on getting rid of them before they cause too much damage. It seems like they have a genuine care for public safety, even if they have the same disdain for the Hero Hierarchy system as parts of the League.

Plus, if I'm being honest, I've kinda gotten attached to all of them. They all look out for each other like siblings. Especially when their youngest member, Shock Wave, would have occasional panic attacks. I've gotten close to the leader, Dabi, especially. In fact, we're dating. And have been for about seven months.

When we initially met, we already had an attraction towards each other, and after a few months it used to take all of our energy and willpower just to not get in bed together and 'do it'.

But we eventually caved. I could hardly believe how long we managed to hold back our instincts and emotions. But I don't regret confessing to him.
Seven Months Ago
Dabi: You sure you're okay?

Dabi and I had been in the lounge area at the bar for about a half hour, the rest of the team was out in the city, since apparently a really good restaurant opened. Dabi only told them to wear disguises and to stick together in case something bad happens. One thing I especially liked about this team was how laid back Dabi was.

At the moment we were sharing a couple drinks, and I was admittedly a bit tipsy, I still knew what I was doing and could give consent if asked, I just didn't have as much of a filter when I talked.

Hawks: I'm fiiiine. I'll stop if you want me to, I just enjoy spending time with you, Dabs.

Dabi: Alright, then.

Apparently I didn't think he was listening anymore, usually when other people say that, it means they don't care and aren't paying attention. So I absentmindedly continued, still lacking a decent filter for my speech.

Hawks: No I mean it, Dabs. I'd take every moment I spend alone at my house and trade it just to spend one good night with you. Like, fuck, Dabi you turn me on so much I just wanna push you against this counter and ride you until the damn thing breaks!
I can barely compose myself around you, the way you talk and that voice in general... not to mention your looks.
I know you're insecure about those burns, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't find you the most sexy man I've ever met, you have just enough muscle on you to make me interested without being too prominent, that black hair makes you look like a total badass and—fuck those eyes! I could stare at them for years and never get bored. I don't just wanna fuck you at this point, I wish we'd be able to go on dates and all that. But—yeah, if I don't get in bed with you at some point I'll lose my mind!

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