Chapter Twenty Three

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The Next Morning
Midoriya's POV:
I woke up quickly in Shoto's arms, and he followed, although it took him several minutes to actually wake up. One of the first things I learned when we started sharing a room, I was a morning person, he was not.

Todoroki: Morning, Izuku...

I let out a quiet laugh since he still sounded tired.

Midoriya: Morning, Shoto. How'd you sleep?

Shoto just shut his eyes again and pulled me against his chest.

Todoroki: Really well. But I'm still tired...

Midoriya: I can tell.

Shoto gave a small smile then and let out a small laugh.

Todoroki: I know you can.

That made both of us laugh. We laid in bed together for about thirty minutes, just talking about the previous night, and whatever else came to mind. At some point I noticed the rings again and looked at Shoto.

Midoriya: Where'd you even get these? The wedding rings, I mean.

Shoto answered the question rather quickly.

Todoroki: I'd been saving up for something for a while. Since we both took jobs to help get ready for the apartment and Yuki. And when we were talking about whether or not we'd need them, I started saving extras for them specifically.

I smiled.

Midoriya: Well, thank you... really, they're perfect...

Shoto smiled at me and we leaned in for a long-ish kiss. It inevitably deepened and we were having a slow make out session. Then I felt a mass twitch deep inside me and we both remembered that Shoto didn't pull out the previous night.

We pulled away for a minute and both of our faces went a bit red. Especially as I laid on Shoto and we both felt the slight bulge in my lower midsection.

Todoroki: Do you want to?

I nodded immediately and let out a small moan when I felt Shoto leave a few more kisses and love bites on my neck, then he began to move his hips slowly, so did I.

What happened next wasn't as rough as the previous night, but my torso and hips were still rather sore the rest of the day. And it was a bit difficult to walk around for the first hour.

We got up and met up with a few friends later that morning, I spent some more time with my dad and Shoto talked with Dabi a bit before he had to head back to his team.

The morning after that was really calm, Shoto and I spent some time with Yuki, hung out with Kacchan and Kirishima for a bit, and we noticed the two of them taking care of Tashi together, and looking like they were more than just friends. Kacchan and Kirishima both seemed pretty happy, which made me smile.

Other than that we just relaxed, until I got that feeling again.

This made me afraid again, Shoto wasn't very worried about Endeavor showing up anymore, since we're already married now. But now we're concerned in a different way, if Endeavor showed up to try and stop us from getting married, and he found out that it already happened, we could end up in a whole world of trouble. Especially since Yuki might get caught in it too, so Shoto and I are still on our guard, just for different reasons.

Not to mention Shoto's brother and sister. And his mom. The main reason I tried pushing down my anxiety by that point was so I could help Shoto, since he had more reason to be nervous than me. Once he noticed that though, he told me that it's okay for me to be worried. So for a time we were just comforting each other as best we could.

However Shoto mentioned that there was little to no way he could think of as to how Endeavor could find out unless he or his siblings spoke to his mother, which he said was next to impossible. His dad apparently never visits Shoto's mother, and his mother would likely refuse to talk about Shoto, anyway.

He also noted that his dad actually hugged him after we got back from the training camp. And I felt my heart ache a bit when I heard the evident shock in his voice when he was describing it, it just emphasized how awful his childhood and relationship with his father was.

I ended up comforting him about his old memories when they inevitably came back to bite him.

We were supposed to spend the weekend at the hotel and then we'd all head home, most of our former classmates took this as an opportunity to tour Osaka, since a good chunk of them had never been there before. Shoto and myself included.

Shoto and I were currently walking through one of the more quiet pathways with Yuki. We took a small break since it seemed like Yuki was getting hungry. I felt a little nervous again but felt better when Shoto put his arm around me and gave me a nod. I gave him a small smile and started feeding Yuki, hearing small noises from her in the meantime.

It felt a bit weird, even in Shoto and my intimate moments, I'd never gotten used to having someone sucking on my chest, let alone in order to feed that person. And it felt a little nerve racking to do it in public. Not because I thought it was wrong to do it in public, but because both my mom, Kacchan's mom and several other women I've talked to have pointed out—rather annoyed about it, too—that people would get offended when they saw them breastfeeding.

None of them got the point of that, frankly neither do Shoto, or myself. It's a necessary thing. It's like telling a person to go to a different room if they're taking antibiotics after a surgery, because it makes them uncomfortable, it just didn't make sense to any of us.

I looked back down at Yuki when I felt her let go, and pulled my shirt back up. I smiled at Yuki when I heard her cooing at me, and I looked up to see Shoto smiling too.

I sighed and gently leaned against Shoto and laid my head on his shoulder, he did the same except he laid his head on mine.

Midoriya: How are you feeling?

Shoto just smiled brighter.

Todoroki: Honestly? Fantastic. I have a real family again. I finally have my brother back, I have a wonderful daughter, and now an amazing husband. I don't think I've felt this happy, in, well, ever.

I gave him a small smile at that and gently pecked him on the cheek.

Midoriya: That's really good to hear. If I'm honest, every time you describe the things that happened in your family, it physically hurts to know you had to go through all that when it wasn't what you deserved, and when you were so young, too. And now you still have to deal with it, plus my mom not liking you... I'm really glad you feel happy right now...

Shoto smiled at me and we pulled each other in for a kiss. I felt like I could fall asleep, being near my daughter and my husband, the warmth. It felt so comforting that I could actually push down the gut feeling pretty successfully.

After a few minutes, Shoto got up, took my hand and helped me up, and we continued walking. We ended up going to a smaller restaurant for dinner. It wasn't very crowded, and the food was good. We mostly talked, and giggled with Yuki.

We just had a really quiet and relaxing weekend. And we spent some time with our friends, at least the ones that were still in Osaka by that point.

We did have to go home the Monday after, but by that point we had a plan for how the next two weeks would work before we moved into the apartment.

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