Chapter Eleven

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One Week Later
Midoriya's POV:
Shoto was allowed to leave the nurse's office a few days after the visit, and had gone back to staying in our dorm room. He was doing a lot better, though our classmates still didn't know about what happened with Monoma.

Shoto wrote a couple notes telling me what happened when he was with his siblings and their friend. I felt really bad for what happened, it was kinda my fault anyway... even when he kept saying that it wasn't. I also wished he hadn't gone so out of his way to hide us like that, considering how much he suffered for it.

Worse yet, villain threats have been getting more intense. In fact there was an assassination attempt when Endeavor made a public speech last week. All the villains seemed to hate his guts, especially one group. Makes me wonder if they know how he treats Shoto, and what he did to Shoto's mother.

But this was a good day, since I had a checkup to see how our baby was doing. Shoto had been looking forward to it all week, ever since I first mentioned it to him.

Shoto and I went down to the Recovery Girl's office once classes were over, and we started the checkup.

The first part of it was pretty short, she was mostly just asking about how I was feeling, if I thought that something was wrong, etc. Then we got to the actual scan, the first part of it I really didn't like, because of how cold the gel was, but I got used to it after a few minutes while the Recovery Girl was focusing the camera.

A few moments later she had the correct angle and Shoto and I could see our baby. The Recovery Girl was quiet at that point, since she was looking closely to see if everything was okay.

I took that opportunity to look at Shoto and let out a small giggle since he was just staring at the screen. I quickly reached over and squeezed his hand, he looked at me, then the screen, then at my stomach, and started crying.

Midoriya: Aw, Shoto...

I quickly hugged Shoto and he immediately hugged me back. Shoto had his face between my chest and stomach and I soon felt a gentle kiss on my stomach. I hugged Shoto tighter and so did he.

The Recovery Girl turned back to us and smiled.

Recovery Girl: Perfectly healthy from what I can see. Do you want to know what you're having?

I looked back at Shoto then. I had decided a while ago that I'd be happy with either a boy or a girl, but a part of me really wanted a little girl. I think the same went for Shoto.

Midoriya: Shoto, do you want to know if we're having a boy or a girl?

Shoto looked back up with me and nodded. I looked over and smiled.

Midoriya: Yes, please.

Recovery Girl: Alright, let me look... you're, having a baby girl!

I was beaming then and started laughing and crying at the same time. Shoto was hugging me again and crying harder.

Midoriya: Oh, honey...

I gently ran a hand through Shoto's hair and he was still hugging me tightly.

It actually seems like a lot is different, our classmates are still a little mad, but I don't really blame them. Kirishima's been talking to us more, and talking about his situation.

Now that I thought about it, Kaminari had been acting a little weird lately, like he was trying to hide something. I tried not to think about it though, since I'd be a hypocrite for concerning myself with that.
Later That Week
Kaminari's POV:
(A/N, Sorry, Kaminari, I'm gonna be mean to you for a bit.)
I had just been on the roof talking to Toga, I don't know how we got into the habit of talking casually like that, but we were talking like we'd been close friends for years, which was honestly true, and more like talking like we used to.

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