Cap 3

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While we were on our way to the room there were a lot of people gathering around our class.

"what's happening?" I ask in hope my friends know something but they just shake their head.

"I'm going to check" said Lisa
After she pass trough the students we wait until she came back. We already wait 5 minutes but nothing so we decide to enter and see.

The moment I pass the door I start to hear whisper

'I didnt expect her to do something like that'

'who she think she is with that fake smile?'

'and me who believe she was an angel'

'look the slut is coming'

I just continue to walk as if I didn't hear, when inside I was already broken.

I look at the room with the other behind. I gasped. There were my photos in all the wall

Photo of me nude in the bathroom
Photo of me with a cigarettes
Photo of me with alcohol
Photo of me masturbating
Photo of me with men

That's not me, it was all fake, all photoshoped.

Then I see what was screen. I was trying to be strong and not let her win. I was trying but I failed. I run out with tears running down. That's too much to handle.

There was a video of a shower with people in doing sex. It wasn't me but I think all the people here believe it was me indeed.

I went to the bathroom and I lock myself in and cried all my out.

After a little i stop crying and I went out. I went to the sink and I looked at myself and I made a deal.

'How could she?! From now on I won't be the same girl who always try to be gentle and let things happen. From now on she need to know who she is dealing with. She is fucking messing up with Chaeyoung Park and now she will see the consequences. It's a promise'

I exit the bathroom and I walked back to the room. When I enter all the eyes where on me but I couldn't care less. Meanwhile my friends already took away all the photos and the video.

All I could hear where whisper and my friend trying to comfort me and shut up the others. Then out of the people I hear loud laughs. I don't even need to look to know who were.

Jisoo, Jennie, Seulgi, Chaeyoung, Sana, Momo and Joy.

They were laughing their life meanwhile I was trying to control myself.
Lisa precede me and she walk to them followed by all the other. At that point I also decide to make a move.

I went to front of my group and I walk near to Jisoo. I can see she didn't expect me to do so but she manteid her poker face.
Lisa tried to take me back but I glare at her. She wide her eyes and I think she was scared. She never see me when I'm angry, and I can also be scaring if I want but until now there was no need to.

I walk near Jisoo until our face where just inches away. I am taller than her so she need to look up to watch me.

"what's the problem here Roseanne Park?" she asked with a smirk because she know I hate people who call with that name beside my family

"the problem is you" I said with cold tone

I hear some gasped. Maybe someone didn't know I can be that cold

"oh really? Well I can't do nothing about it"

"oh well I don't think so" I replied with a smirk

You don't know Me - Chaesoo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now