Cap 20

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Rose pov

It has already passed 2 weeks from when Jisoo left my house to return to hers. Now I'm kinda of better so no need for her to stay. But you know what? She promised to always being there for me if I need and the funny part is that it's not true.
Every time I try to talk or greet her she would ignore me. And it hurts. It fucking hurts. I have to put in a fake smile whenever it happens so others won't ask even if inside I'm bleeding.

Now we are the canteen eating and talking.

"let's club tomorrow" Tzu says

"no girls I don't want" I say feeling sad

"come on unnie it will be funny" - Yeri

"Chipmuck I know what you are thinking. Nothing will happen. We will be there if you aren't okay and we will go away if you feel uncomfortable" assure me Lisa thinking the incident happened some while ago was the reason,when all it matter is Jisoo.
I can't go to a club because I will just drink until I'm wasted and I will do something stupid.
"I'm not sure... "

"pretty unnie ~~please?" beg all of them with cute eyes and I accept.

Let's hope it will be fine

Tzuyu pov

In the last week I see the fake smile of Rosè and I was there when she try to approach Jisoo unnie. Every time she was ignore.
I though it will be a good idea to change air for a little. And beside she is not the only one who need it.

"what are you thinking Tzu?" Mina unnie asks while focusing driving.

'her' "nothing"

"sooo... why did you want to go to the club?"

"Rosè seems a little down so I though of a way to cheer her up a bit"

"you have done it only for her or is there someone in your mind who would need it?"

"hmm j-u-just he-her"

"Tzu we know you also need it. Don't hide it from us" Dahyun says

"I - I - - - - - -" I low my head and start to sob. Why it have to be so hard?

Mina stop the car in the side road and turn around to me while Dahyun go in the seat behind with me "why? What did I have done so wrong?" I ask desperate

"you have done nothing, it's her fault to not understand how much you mean. You are smart, pretty and caring. You don't need her. She will learn alone her mistake" Mina rubs my hand

"she will understand what she loose when it will be too late. And when she will try again we will be there for you. To protect you" Dahyun promise me patting my shoulder lightly.

"and I will be there for you" I say looking at them. We are all in the same situation. Heartbroken. "tomorrow we will have fun and forget about everything and everyone"

"yes. Let's forget about them and live our life happily" Mina hugs both of us.

Tomorrow day 1 for teraphy "away heartbroken"

Irene pov

"do you all know the meaning of tomorrow ?" I ask

"yes. They need fresh air" - Lisa

"I pity them. All the 4 of them have a heart broke and all of them don't want to let it show, smiling at us as if nothing happened." - Yeri

"one time I found Dahyun tearing up looking at the dance studio" - Lisa

"Mina was crying under a tree and when I approach her and ask her what's wrong she excuse herself saying she fell and hurt her feet. I could have believed her if I didn't see her running in the gym the same afternoon" - Wendy

" I don't like to see the bitter smile of Rosè every time she sees Jisoo. It hurt even me" I say remembering the scene I saw in the canteen

"and Tzu? She is taking all for herself not letting not even a tears fall. She has always done it. Not even once she asks for help, thinking she is a burden for all of us" Wendy says gazing outside

"babe" when I turn around I found myself in a hug.

"hi bear" I greet back pecking her lips.
It was time to go home and when I was going to walk to the car I notice Wendy staying still in the entrance

"Wendy, aren't you going to go home?"

"no I'm waiting for a friend" I didn't ask more. If she want to tell me I will be more then glad to listen her but I don't want to obliged her to do so.
"oh okay take care"

When I arrive at Seulgi's car I ask her to wait because I want to be sure Wendy goes home safe.

"oh look she has company" my bear says point out of the window. When I look at the entrance my jaw drops. I didn't expect that but as long as she is happy I'm happy.

Wendy pov

Finally my friends go home so I can have some time with my sunshine.

Hearing heals hitting the floor I turn around to be greet by a wide smile from her.

"are you waiting for someone, miss?" she asks

"oh yes I'm waiting for my girlfriends but she is not here so I'm going. Goodbye Ms. Park" I bow a little just to tease more and when i was turning around a hand stopped me, turning around. I feel lips on mine giving me butterflies on the stomach. "someone here is impacient principal"

"Wendy I've already told you to call me Jihyo while we are alone"

"oh my mistake Ms Park"

"ok I'm going" she fake being mad and walk away. I stop her putting my hands in her waist and leaning in her ear

"what do you want to do sweetie?" I ask

"let's go home" she says as in a seductive way. We kiss another time before heading to her car.

Yes, you are right. I'm dating the headmaster of my school and nobody knows it. Why? Because I'm afraid they won't accept my decision. I trust them but still I'm afraid they will mock me and also Jihyo. Every time at school I look at her because we are near her office they will tease me about having a crush on someone older and who is my headmaster. Every time I would lie saying I can't love someone like her and every time I will feel guilty. Guilty because I actually love her and I'm saying the opposite. Guilty because we can't go around freely. Guilty because I can't show her how much I love her.

Little she knows someone watch her with a smile on the face feeling proud of her friend.

You don't know Me - Chaesoo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now