Cap 26

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Rosè pov

You know the feeling that something wrong is going to happen? That's what is happening to me. After the incident with that Jimin boy I feel something is going to happen. I have to admit that I was actually angry and jealous that night and also worried because he was touching her and she flinch. Even if I couldn't hear their conversation i could imagine what he said wasn't something nice. On our way to home I ask her question and all she did was assuring me but nothing about her past with him just 'you don't need to worry' or 'he will go away' and 'just don't mind what happened. It won't happened again'. She is always like this. She won't reveal her past with me despite my effort to make her trust me.

I feel betrayed because I feel my feelings for her are stronger and she is afraid to accept hers.
I feel I'm the only one to put trust in our relationship. For example not one time she wants me to go to her home. Or when she doesn't tell me about the basic, like, what she did during the afternoon. It's frustrating but I don't want to be too much impulsive and be angry with her. I need to be patience and don't give up because I know she is worth the wait.

Today is not different from other days. We were walking around the park and when was time to go home I try to be a gentle woman for once and take her home but she insisted in taking me because she can take care of herself. So now she just drop me off.

Today I will make it different. I start to follow her from behind being cautioned about not to be seen. If she won't let me see where she lives I will discover it on my own.

After already 30 minutes of walk we finally arrive. It's an old condo. It's not new but it's not even that destroyed. It's actually fine from the outside. What is strange is that when she enter the house another figure follow her inside. It's a boy I've already seen. What was his name? Jin? No. Jinyoung? No. Jimin!! Her ex!!
What is he doing here? And why is she following her?

Wait she is exiting. Her face is the one I see when she is pissed. Of course behind there is Jimin who is smirking. Is he annoying her? I want to break his face!! Wait!! Where are they going?!

I keep following them until the park we were before. Jimin was still talking to my Jisoo but she never opens mouth. Not until he seems to say something that caught her attention that she stops. Why I'm so far?!

She turns and starts to point him. And that's when her grabs her with force making me boil. When I was ready to go to them another girl come and divide them kicking Jimin off. She beats him to death and then another girl and Jisoo's friends arrived to stop her to kill him. I need to thank her. And I want to know what is happening.

Jisoo pov

"just follow me" I tell Jimin before he could enter my house and see his children. I know he is trying to piss me off, again, and I'm not going to fall. It's complicated because I can't stand him anymore. I can't even understand how I could liked a person like him.

When we were in the park he starts to annoying me talking nonsense.

"do you really aren't going to talk to me?" he asks "I was hoping you would tell me about my children" I stop.

How does he knows? What is he going to do?

"do you really though I never knew?" he laughs "were you afraid i could do something to them? You know they are also mine"

I walk back to him pointing at his chest " YOU. DON'T. HAVE. ANY. RIGHT. TO. CALL. THEM. YOURS. CLEAR!?" I ask in a scary tone

"oh yes I have. You have them because of me!"

"right because of you..... Because of you who abuse of me!!!"

"again?! We both know you also wanted it!!"

"I know what I wanted and it was not being raped!!" I yell at him. He grasped my arm with force " I did not rape you!! And you can fucking keep that stupid babies of yours!! You should have let them die, anyways!!"

My mind was telling me to kick him but my body couldn't work because of his grip. I could just whine. When the pain was too much I beg him to stop but he doesn't.

" please let me go "

" oh now you are begging?! Not you ever learn the lesson?! Do you want me to teach you?!"

'do you want me to teach you?' I could just whine and slowly letting myself being touch with his dirty hands. 'you know what happen to bad girl. They need a lesson' he whisper in my hear making my shiver in the back.

'please let go of me. I will be good. I won't do it' I beg again and again but he didn't change. He was still holding my arms and sucking my neck angressivily.

'I tell you to stop going to club with your friends. You need to be at home and do the chores. You can't go out without me and you have to obey me. Clear?!' he yell at me and I could just nod leaving myself to him.

Just like this I remember every nitgh he would use me as his toy. I didn't change. Look I'm here doing nothing, suffering his force on me. Will it always be like this?

When the pain was more I close my eyes. And it disappear. Opening them again I see Jeongyeon kicking him and I didn't have the streght to stop her from killing him.

"YOU BASTARD!! DIE!!" she continuously screams. When I though he was going to die my friends arrive and stop her. And there was him laying unconscious on the ground.

"Jeongie~look at me." Nayeon says reassuring her wife not to kill him."you have done enough. Now leave it to the police, ok~?" she nods but no words was speaken.

While near me was the others asking me if I was okay and I also nod with no words. When I saw Jeongyeon calming down I embrace her to choke.

"thanks" I cry on her chest. She pats my back saying that it's okay and now it's the end. "ho-how d-did yo-u find me?"

"Jeongyeon hire someone to follow you when she saw Jimin following you in the street. She also followed every your moves around" explain Jennie

"she didn't want to fail again" Chaeyoung adds patting Jeongyeon shoulder "you have done great no jam bro"

She was looking at me with teary eyes and I hug her again more stronger.

One time she said she failed to protect me from him. She has always known about his abuse and when she tried to protect me she got beaten up by Jimin. From that time she started to go to gym to learn how to defense herself. She always fell guilty about it, but I've never been angry with her of course.

"okay okay. Now stop hugging." Nayeon separates us.

"oh whyyyy ~? I want to hug Chichu more ~~" Jeongyeon acts knowing her wife is a jealous type

"do you want to sleep in the couch ostrich?"

"noo ~ but I want to hug Chichu ~"

"do what you what!! You won't sleep with me for a mouth and don't you dare touch me again!! Touch you Chichu!!" lord she is so jealous.

"nooooo ~~ I want to touch youuuuuu~~" that's emabarasing to watch.

"no. You have Jisoo right? You don't even need me!!" Nayeon yells

"come on bunny you know you are the only one. I was just teasing. Will you let me touch you? ~"


"oh come on you know you can't resist me"

"of course I can"

"I don't think so" Jeongyeon whispers in her wife's ear but everyone could hear clearly. She bite her earlobe and a Nayeon moan at the contact. My eyes can't watch this.

"ok okay stop it. I don't want to see a sex here" Joy covers her eyes

"take a room you two" Momo explain making a disgust face.

At the end we all laugh together forgetting the even just happened.

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