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Jisoo pov

As I open my eyes I found a white ceiling. No. Not again.

I stand up to see no one was in the room. I was hoping to wake up with someone beside me but in the world you can't always receive what you want.

As time passed I got bored and started to remember all.

Did we really break up?

I don't know. I hope not.
I was not in the right mind and also she.
I really hope she will come here to sort things out.

After 2 hours of waiting finally someone open the door. Not the one I was waiting but still someone.

"oh Jisoo you are up I see. How are you? Do you feel dizzy?" she asks

"fine thanks" her actions were telling me something. She continue to walk and she move her hands up and down her arms. "Jendeukie why are you so nervous?"

"hmmm nothing Chichu just... I'm cold"

"sit down...... you are making dizzy" and when she sits her legs starts shaking. "and you want me to believe you? You can't even stay still. Are you okay? "

She sats there still not moving a single muscle for 5 minutes before she opens her mouth again "I..... I need to tell you something"

"ok go on. I'm listening"

"rosé was here and......."

"and what?"

"i got angry at her and she left"

"jennie!! Wh--!"

"let me finish first!" she shouts "but she return this morning not caring
what I told her. I, then took her in the garden and....."

"and what?! Say it! Don't make me anxious!"

"and I told her."

"I don't get it. What did you tell her?"

"I..... I tell her...... I tell he--"

"you are getting on my nerves!!"

"I've told her your story!!I've told her about them and Jimin! " she breaths out, leaving me looking at her with tearing eyes 

"why? WHY DID YOU DO IT?!?!" I shout

"I'm sorry. I though she needed to know"




"NO I DID THE RIGHT THING! YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TELL HER!!!! Honestly Jisoo when would you have tell her? Did you even have the idea of telling her? "

"I.... I..... I don't know, but I was the one supposed to tell her. I was the only one who could do it Jennie"

"i know and I'm sorry. It just slipped out. I'm really sorry Chu" she cries holding my hand.

"come here" I say opening my arms waiting her hug. She jumped on the bed and hugged me tightly.

"are you angry?" she asks softly

"no, I'm not. How could I be angry with my Jendeukie?" she hugged me tighter and I could feel her smile on my chest.

"I'm happy you are not. I'm really sorry"

"stop apologizing. I'm not angry at you. Btw you are right I didn't even plan to tell Rosè. Maybe you have done the right things" I say rubbing her arm. I close my eyes feeling a weight disappear from my heart.

I figured out something than "wait" I say sitting up "if you tell Rosè, where is she?"

"she...... She...... "

"she left, didn't she? She run away?"

"no it's not like that"

"If not where is she now?"

"she...... She..... She....."

"go out. Leave me alone" I say cold.

"Jisoo listen to me first"

"no. Go out. I need sometime alone."


"GO OUT!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yell at her. And eventually she went out.

I feel tears going down my cheeks but I didn't bother to wipe them.

At the end I was right. She doesn't accept me for who I really am. I really hope she would but I was wrong. I'm always wrong.
I was wrong with Jimin.
I was wrong thinking of her as a Jimin relative.
I was wrong to fell in love with her.
I was wrong to let her in my life.
It was all a mistake.

As I let myself get depressed again someone opened the door revealing all my friends with a pity smile on their faces. They hugged me and I cry until my lungs hurt.

"shhh.... All will be alright" Joy says patting my back

"we are here. Let it all out" Sana says wiping away my tears

"we are here" Seulgi adds making me feel more emotional.

"I....I......."i couldn't even speak because of my continuing sobbing.

"no need to talk" assure Nayeon.

I cry until late evening and all of them never left me for once. Only Jennie. She didn't say a world. She seems to want to say something but she never said it.

I fell asleep with someone hugged at me.

Tomorrow I can go back home and all will be back before I met her. I repeat it again and again until I convince myself I could do it. I'm not the weak fifteen girl anymore. I'm near 20 and I'm strong. I can do it. I have to do it.
I just need to resist again for a little bit more.

In the hospital I decided that I will go away before than expect. I will go away after the end of the last exams in May. Just 1 more month. I can do it.

You don't know Me - Chaesoo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now