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tomorrow is my first day of school and i am so nervous

i hate first days i have to make new friends... not that i have any to start with

i'm not so sure why i don't have any. they just don't like me.

well i do have this one friend. she's a girl and her names Jordyn... i know same name as my brother but she is much nicer to me

she's the only person that treats me nicely. besides my mom.

my mom is the nicest person ever to me and i know she actually loves me.

my dad on the other hand i think he might be disappointed in me. i don't know why but him and Jordan have a better relationship then me and him

it makes me feel sad that he doesn't love me the way he loves Jordan

he tells Jordan everything but then when i ask what they are talking about he doesn't tell me

"Jordan?" i say the night before school starts

we share a room and i have no idea why

"yes caleb"

"i'm scared for tomorrow"

"of course you are what aren't you scared for"

"why can't you be nice to me for once"

"don't talk to me if you want me to be nice"

i roll my eyes and get up

"where are you going?"

"to talk to mommy she's nice to me"

"bro you gotta start calling her mom your 15 not 5"


i walk to my mom and dad's room and knock

normally i would just walk in but my dad is making weird noises

"who is it" he groans


"one second"

i hear moving around and finally my dad says i can come in

i walk in and my moms hair is a mess

"um mommy what's wrong with your hair"

"uh don't worry about it um why are you in here"

"well i was trying to tell Jordan how i'm scared for school tomorrow but he just made fun of me"

"aww baby come here" she opens her arms and i get in the bed to hug her

"why are you scared?"

"no one likes me and doesn't want to be my friend"

"well you have to talk to people to make friends" my dad says

"sorry i don't like talking to people cause they make fun of me"

"who makes fun of you?"

"jordan and all his friends which is everyone in the school"

"i'm sure jordan doesn't do that"

"whatever dad of course you would say that"

"what is that supposed to mean"

"you're always on his side i know he's your favorite"

"i don't have a favorite and i'm not always on his side so don't say that"

"okay dad just leave me alone so i can talk to the only person that loves me"

"seriously... you know what fine i'll be downstairs and when you're done i'll come back" he gets out of the bed and starts to leave

"babe get back over here"

"no your son wants me to leave so i'll leave" he slams the door and i turn back to my mom

"mommy does dad love me"

"of course he does why wouldn't he"

"i don't know he just never talks to me"

"hey he loves you very much i promise you"

"if you say so"

"he does now about tomorrow-"

"do i have to go"

"yes of course"

"but i have no friends"

"what about that girl"

"oh yeah only one"

"i promise tomorrow someone will be your friend you just have to talk to them"

"i'll try"


"what are you guys naming the baby" i ask rubbing my moms stomach

"we don't know yet do you have any ideas"


"okay well i think you should go in your bed now"

"but i love you"

"i love you too but-"

"i was kidding i'll go to bed. goodnight mommy"

"goodnight caleb"

"goodnight baby brother" i kiss her stomach and hug it

"i hope you'll love me more than the other brother"

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