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5 months later

Jonahs POV

"Jonah go away" Cara yells at me when i walk in the room

"this is my bedroom too. if you have a problem with me being in here then you can leave"

"i was here first"

"okay and i want to be in here now"

"ugh you're so annoying" she groans and leaves

i can't believe she calls me annoying

she's the one who is constantly mad at me. she doesn't even like being near me

seriously any room that she's in when i go in she'll leave it

i don't know why she's just weird

it's also weird because then at night she'll be all over me and suddenly she wants me to fuck her

i mean i'll do it she's hot don't get me wrong but it's just so strange to me

i follow her out of the room and she walks into the kitchen

i walk in as well and of course she leaves

"why are you following me!"

"we need to talk and you keep ignoring me"

"i'm not ignoring you"

"oh really cause everytime i come in a room you leave it"

"well maybe i don't want to be in a room with you"

"and why don't you want to be in a room with me"

"you're intimidating" she mutters and i barely hear her

"what was that?"

"you're intimidating" she says louder and i laugh

"me? how"

"you're tall and big and strong and- ugh just you're intimidating"

"aww i scare you"

"i never said you scare me i said you-"

"intimidate you i get it. but there's no need to be scared-"


"intimidated whatever! there's no need. i'm nice"

"not when you're horny" she says under her breath

"i heard that" i step closer to her and she looks away from me

i continue to step closer and closer and she starts to back up until she hits the back wall of our kitchen

i grab her hands and pin them against the wall as i kiss her neck

i smirk into the kiss and she looks up

"i-i didn't say anything"

"no you did. you said not when i'm horny. now tell me babygirl what makes me not nice when i'm horny"

"y-you hurt me" she says and i quickly drop her arms

i didn't know that i hurt her

i don't like hearing that

"wait what?" i ask and she looks back down

"you go too hard and i-i start to cry. you think im moaning but i'm not"

"oh my god i don't mean to hurt you i'm sorry i'm so so sorry" i pull her close to me and i feel a single tear roll down onto my back

"it's my fault though i don't tell you. and that's why i try to leave the rooms. i'm scared that you're going in horny and you want to hurt me"

"i don't want to hurt you i didn't even know i do hurt you. i'm so sorry i'm an awful husband. but why do you want to have sex at night?"

"well when i ask to have it you're more gentle and not mean. but when you want it, you're too aggressive and call me mean things"

"ugh i'm the worst" i pull away from the hug and go sit down at our table

i put my head in my hands and soon after i feel her hug me

"i didn't mean to make you feel bad jonah."

"no i know i just hate hearing that i hurt you." i take my head out of my hands and she's smiling

i pull her to sit on my lap and she kisses me

"it's only when you go too rough. actually sometimes i enjoy it but other times... it's awful"

"that makes me feel bad"

"hey if i wanted you to be kinder i would tell you while we're doing it"

"then why are you telling me now?"

"well it just came up. you asked why i was ignoring you and i told you why. you know i'm kind of happy we had this conversation"

"me too. i like knowing how i can make my princess feel better"

"you haven't called me that in years"

"well i did make you my queen now didn't I" i say and she blushes

"i love you jonah" she says smiling and kissing me

"i love you more. i think to celebrate this conversation and the fact that you will now like to be in the same room as me, i think we should go on a date. maybe even call it a Jara sleepover" i say winking major throwback to the first book

"omg you remember those?"

"remember! i think about them all the time. so what do you say. want to have a "Jara Sleepover" it will be just like the old times... except we're married and we may be interrupted by a crying baby"

"yes i would love to have one. and speaking of babies... let's have them make some plans for tonight. i want to have uninterrupted time with my favorite boy"

"wow what about us. are we not your favorite boys" we both look up at the l to see Caleb and Jordan at the stairs holding Mason

"how long have you guys been up there"

"not for long. we came once we saw you two together alone. we just had to witness our parents finally finish fighting. which by the way please don't fight again. we hate it" Jordan says and Cara looks at me with a smile

"never again. i could never stay mad at your dads sexy face"

"annnnd you just went from a cute to a cringey couple"

"whatever. by the way please leave for the night we have things we have to do"

"yeah like have a sleepover" jordan says with a laugh

"hey you don't understand many big things happened at those sleepovers. for one i finally realized your dad liked me. without them you guys would've never been born"

"would that have been the worst thing to happen?" i joke


yo yo

i just added that chapter in for fun lol

basically this story hasn't  really connected with the other

not that it technically has to i just rather it does so i wanted to incorporate an old story line

idk if it was a good chapter i mean i liked it but idk

also i need to start to speed this story up we need DRAMA

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