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"babe you'll NEVER believe what i just did at dinner!" i say facetiming Jordyn


"i stood up for myself with Jordan. and i made this whole speech about how what he thinks doesn't matter to me anymore and he was so surprised"

"wow i'm proud of you. what did your mom and dad say?"

"nothing i said it and went down to my room. i felt so powerful" i tell her and she laughs

"you're adorable Caleb"

"i know!"

"wait do you say down to your room? isn't your room upstairs?"

"oh yeah my mom turned our basement into my room"

"that's great is it far from the rest of your house"

"yup so we'll have TONS of privacy when you come over, i even have a couch and a huge tv with big speakers"

"that's great. so when am i going to see it"

"hmm well i think you should come over tomorrow after school"

"i definitely will. anyways i miss you"

"i was just at your house last night though"

"so i still miss you."

"i mean i am me"

she starts to say something but is interrupted by her mom coming in her room

"jord go to bed"

"but i'm talking to Caleb"

"well you have to go to sleep now it's really late and both you guys can't be tired"


her mom leaves and she sighs turning to me

"well you heard her i have to go"

"aw man well i'll see you tomorrow goodnight i love you"

"yup see you goodnight"

"you forget something"


"three words"

"oh right i love you"

"aw i love you too well night night" i kiss the camera and hang up

once i hang up i turn off my lights and fall asleep

however right when i start to drift away i hear my door open and someone come down the stairs

i turn to the stairs and it's Jordan

i just roll my eyes and turn away

"can i talk to you?" he asks

"what you weren't done upstairs i get it Jordan you hate me you don't have to say it again" i tell him

"no i want to apologize"

"im sure. i bet that either mom or dad are forcing you too or you're gonna end up beating me up"

"i promise i'm not going to beat you up and anyways mom and dad are fighting"


"cause he made that comment about having hot girls in high school i don't know she was hurt by it"

"oh that's weird anyways why are you still here"

"i never apologized but after you left and said what you said to me i thought about it and i felt really bad. i know i'm not the best brother in the world okay i'm not even in the top 100, but i do love you. and i would never want you to die. the truth is while you were gone i did kind of miss you. one night at dinner mom even said how that was what the family would be like if you died and i thought about it and i got really sad. i thought about what would happen if i didn't have a twin and i realized it would be awful."

"okay and what is the point in you saying this. congrats you have a heart can you go away now"

"no i wanted to apologize and i want us to try and be best friends like twins are supposed to be"

"well i accept your apology but i don't want to be your friend"

"why not"

"first of all we have none of the same interests-"

"okay i'll stop you there. but can we at least get along"

"hey i always tried to get along with you, you just never liked me"

"well can we forget about that and be nice"


"okay good well i'm going to bed"

"okay good night"

he goes upstairs and i try to fall asleep again

right as i close my eyes i get a text

i groan and read it

Jordan- ew i came upstairs and all i can hear is moaning

C- EW! at least we know they're not fighting anymore

hey it's been a while anyways the only reason i haven't been updating this or writing much of it is because of the name caleb

stupid i know right

anyways there's this boy that says he wants my babies and that he thinks i'm cute when we're not in school but when we are he doesn't talk to me

so it's kinda awkward writing with that name when i have a past with it

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