Drunken Night

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I woke up to hearing my phone buzzing. I tiredly reached over to the nightstand and looked at my phone. 

It was b/f/n...


"YOU KISSED HIM!" She screamed. I held my phone away from my ear. 

"What time is it..." I mumbled as I looked at my phone to see it was already 10. 


"Personally I didn't care..." 


"Cause I haven't had the chance to... I haven't talked to you all week..." 

She went off on me for not telling her about me and Yuri. 

"Bye b/f/n, I have to go eat," I said and hung up before she could say anything else. 

I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. I walked over to the suit case and pulled out a pair of jeans and a long sleeved purple shirt. 

I went to the rink and practiced for a bit. Then I went back to the hotel and packed my stuff up for the rest of the day. 

It was around 6 when I got hungry. I threw my shoes on and stepped out of my room. I looked at Yuri's door. 

It would probably be the last time we are across from each other,"

I looked over and saw Yuuri and Victor talking. They noticed me and waved me over. 

"Y/n! Are you ok?" Victor asked as I approached them. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" My voice was empty of any emotion. 

They looked at me worriedly. 

"Did you eat yet?"

"What is this, Mystic Messenger? But no I was actually on my way out" 

Yuuri sighed. 

"Come on y/n, I'm sure we can find a cafe..." He offered.  

"I think all she needs right now is to break some rules," Chris's voice came from behind me. I looked over and saw he held a bag. 

"How about we let her, we could order pizza as well," He winked as he held it up.

"Absolutley n-" Yuuri was about to deny it but Victor slapped his hand over Yuuri's mouth. 

"If she wants to of course! It'll be perfectly fine with us and we won't tell her parents!" 

They looked at me. I knew what was in the bag. 

I sighed. 

"You know what... Why not," I smiled. 

All four of us sat in Yuuri and Victors room. 

They handed me a glass filled with alcohol. 

They watched me as I slowly brought the glass to my lips and took a slow sip. 

"Quit watching, like I'm some child taking their first steps!" I snapped. 

They chuckled as they began drinking from their own glasses. 

Yuri!!! on ice yurio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now