Rush to the Hospital

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I threw myself on the bed groaning. 

It hurt. 


"You shouldn't have pushes yourself that much y/n," Holland complained. 

I began cursing in every possible language I knew how to cure in. I was worried I possibly broke something.

"Shouldn't we have taken her to a hospital instead? She did land pretty badly last last time," Jamie asked. 

"No, I'm fin- SHIT IT FUCKING HURTS!" I screamed as Holland gently nudged my ankle. 

"That's it, we are calling your parents!" Jamie said. 

"No they would murder me if I broke anything!" 

"Your health is more important!" 

"SCREW MY HEALTH!" I yelled, not caring if our neighbors heard.

"Where's your phone?" Holland asked.

"Don't call them!" 

"I'm not calling your parents, I'm gonna call someone who you actually would listen to," Holland complained. I heard her shuffling through what I assumed was my bag. "Here it is!" 

I turned to look at them painfully. 

Our competition was in two weeks. I decided to push myself and try riskier things for more points, but I ended up falling a bunch. With my last jump I twisted my ankle, then I was stupid enough to try and catch myself only to probably have broken them to. 

"Hey, this is Y/n's friend Holland," Holland spoke on my phone. "She had a bad fall, I was hoping you'd get here and talk some sense into her. Or at least drive us to a damn hospital!" She ended up explaining what happened to who ever she spoke to, then she gave them my address and room number. 

Jamie rushed out of the room to try and get ice while we waited. 

Soon enough I heard knocking on the door. Holland was up fast and let whoever it was inside. 

I looked up to see three boys and Jamie standing in my room. Victor, Yuuri, and Yurio. 

Victor and Yuuri frantically asked me questions. 

They ended up taking me to the hospital. 

I sat in the hospital room. Pissed. The. Fuck. Off. 

I couldn't even play on my phone cause my arms hurt to much!

My room was crowded with six people, including me, in it. They had agreed that if I went to the hospital they wouldn't call my parents unless I actually did break something. 

Yuri didn't care at all. While everyone else cared to much. 

At this point I was liking Yuri more just because he wasn't busy crowding me. 

Then. One. More. Person. Came. In. 

"Y/n! Holland and Jamie texted me!" Another males voice came from behind Victor. Everyone turned around to see it was Benny. 

"Thanks for worrying Benny, but honestly it's not that big of a deal," I said, lying through my teeth. 

"Well Ms. L/n, we got back the X-rays," The nurse and doctor walked in. 

"You currently have a sprang ankle and a broken wrist, we are going have to keep you here over night at least," he said.

Everyone looked at me. 

My heart sank, but suddenly all the pain vanished completely. My blood rushed. My head ached. Anger replaced all the pain. I suddenly just wanted to hurt someone or just break something. 

I wanted to scream. 

I wanted to curse. 

I wanted to act like a four year old who couldn't get what they wanted, cause that's exactly how I felt. 

But all that came out was the quietest and weakest, most pain filled 'okay' I have ever said. 

Yuri!!! on ice yurio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now