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2 chapter in 2 days?! Who the heck am I?!?! 

This isn't forsay the end of the book yet. There's still more to go.

Oh you guy's are gonna love this chapter! ;)

The season was finally over. 

Yuri had won first place. I was so proud of my boy for winning, but I can't deny the fear and sadness I felt. 

We both were returning home, I'd be in (Home country) and he will be in Russia. 

"Are you excited to go home?" I asked as I shoved clothes back into my suitcase. 

"I guess... To bad we'll be stuck to only video chatting though..." Yuri mumbled. 

"Yeah..." my voice lowered. I zipped up my suit case and stood up. "But we'll get through it, and when skating seasons starts back up then we'll both be ready and side by side..." I smiled as I looked at Yuri. 

"Ready, idiot?" He asked. I nodded as I felt my heart aching. 

The two of us walked hand in hand out of the room. We paused when we stepped out and came face to face with Viktor and Yuuri. 

God I wanted to cry so badly suddenly. 

I didn't want to say goodbye just yet. 

We walked downstairs and checked out of the hotel, then we walked out and made our way to the airport. 

"Are you guy's hungry? We should stop to get some food!" Viktor smiled as he pointed at an airport restaurant. He turned and looked at us. "What time do you're guys planes take off?" 

"I don't leave here until nine, so yeah I'll eat..." I smiled. 

"I leave at five..." Yuri looked down to check the time on his phone. "I have time." 

"We leave in an hour, are you sure Viktor?" Yuuri asked. 

"Of course! We have time!" Viktor took mine and Yuuri's hands and dragged us to the restaurant. 

 "HEY DON'T HOLD MY GIRLFRIENDS HAND, OLD MAN!" Yuri yelled as he followed us. 

We took our seats at a small table. 

"Honestly I can't believe that you two are engaged." I chuckled as I brought my attention to the older boys. 

"It's gross..." Yuri mumbled. 

"Aw Yuri! Don't talk like that, we all know you dream of marrying Y/n one day!" Viktor sung. 

Yuri and I both went red at Viktors words. 

"You are dead old man!" Yuri yelled as he jumped up to try and kill Viktor. 

I awkwardly held Yuri by his waist to try to stop him. 

"Aww don't get all embarrassed cutie!" I teased. "But I am flattered to hear you want to marry me!" 

"SHUT UP IDIOT!" He turned around to try to kill me. 

"Awww is the little kitty flustered!" I teased. I ducked down as he swung his fist. I smiled as I sat back up. 

He tried to kick me but I simple just dodged it. 

"My turn!" I smirked. 

"WHAT! YOU DON'T GET A TU-" I placed my hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss then I pulled away, leaving him bright red, speechless mess.

"I loooove yooou..." I sang quietly to him. 

"I-idiot..." He mumbled. 

I chuckled as I sat back down and took a bite out of my f/f. Yuri sat down next to me. 

"So what are you going to be doing when you get back home y/n?" Viktor asked.

"I guess I'll be going back to school, so that's fun I guess..." I said. 

Soon Viktor and Yuuri ended up leaving in a rush due to them forgetting the time and almost missing their flight. 

Out of boredom, I ended up dragging Yuri into the airport gift shop. 

"Should I buy this?" I smiled as I showed Yuri probably one of the cheesiest gift shop shirts I could find. 

"Don't buy dumb stuff, idiot..." He shook his head.

I looked around until my eyes landed on the most perfect thing ever. I walked over and picked up a cat plushy. 

I found it perfect due to his nickname. Even better was that it was cheap! When Yuri wasn't paying attention, I sneaked over and purchased it. 

I made my way over to see Yuri looking at a tiger poster. 

"Are you going to buy that?" I asked him. He jumped, obviously not expecting me to be around. Then he realized it was me and shook his head. 

"Obviously, it looks cool!" He grabbed the poster. Then he brought his attention the the bag I held. "What'd you buy?"

I smiled as I pulled out the cat plushy then I handed it to him. 

"Oh my god this is awesome!" He smiled. He pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Wait! This reminds me!" I dropped my bag and began digging through it until I pulled out my wolf plushy that Yuri bought me so long ago. "Now we're even, annnnd..." I laughed. I brought the wolf plushy up and booped Yuri's nose with the nose of the wolf. "Now he gave you a kiss too!" 

He was taken back by the action, but he shook his head and laughed. That laugh sounded like heaven to me.

I walked with him to his gate. 

Though I didn't wish to let him go, I remained with a bright smile. Though I was pretty sure he figured it out due to how tightly I was squeezing his hand.

We both came to a stop at the gate, meaning I couldn't go any further. 

Could I do this? I thought as we looked at each other. 

"See you next season, Idiot." He said. 

I chuckled. "Don't talk like we aren't going to video chat any chance we get!" 

He smiled and shook his head. 

I kissed him and pulled away. 

"I expect you to be better than this season, Jerk." I smiled. 

"Really?! Then I'm expecting you to actually be able to land a jump next season, Idiot!" We both broke into a bittersweet laughter. Once our laughter faded away he looked at me. "I gotta go, I love you, y/n." He said.

He actually referred to me as my actual name... 

"Bye, Yuri. I love you too." 

He walked away. I felt paralyzed as I watched him fade away into the airplane. 

Once he was gone, my smile slowly faded as my hands moved over and clenched to my cat jacket. 

"I love you so much," I whispered while my voice cracked. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. I held onto the wolf plushy tightly as I sobbed on the floor by myself. 

People passed by me, they took notice but they just continued on. 

That's when I truly felt completely alone.

Yuri!!! on ice yurio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now