Heartbroken Kisses

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I threw on an old shirt, sweats, and running shoes then I pulled my hair back into a ponytail.

Memories from last night flashed through my mind again.

"Did he actually kiss me last night?" I mumbled to myself as I walked over to the door. I stepped out of my room to see Yuri walking out at the same time.

We noticed each other at the same time. We froze and stared at each other.

"Y-Y" I stuttered out but he stopped me.

"Just... forget about last night," He snapped and stepped away.

"Yuri..." I reached out but he slapped my hand away.
"I said forget it!" He yelled as he walked away.

I stood there.
What could I possibly do to talk to him about this? I still barley can process the fact that he had kissed me last night.
I watched him walk down the hallway.

There was only two things I could have done at that moment, but like I was going to let him slip past me.
I quickly took one of my shoes off and then threw it at him, hitting him in the back of the head.
"WHAT THE HELL YURI!" I screamed, not really caring if anyone else heard at this point.

He stood there frozen. Not looking back at me.

"I forgot, kittens can be little cowards can't they! Listen here little brat! You crossed lines last night that no one has ever crossed and lived to tell the tale of, yet look at you still standing! You woke me up, you made me go down to the pool in the freezing cold, then you kissed me, and the almost worst part is that you left me right there! I will not let you fucking go running away like a fucking coward!" I screamed.
He turned back and looked at me.
"What do you want me to do about it? I wasn't thinking last night," he crossed his arms. He acted so tough sometimes for a fucking coward!

I stormed over to where he stood. His eyes widened as I raised my hand and slapped him across his face. He stood there looking shocked.
Tears filled my eyes as I glared at him.
"Yuri, you are a fucking idiot! I fucking like you but you piss me off more then anyone,"

He reached out towards me but this time I slapped him away.
"You wanted to run away Yuri, but no. I won't let no one run away from me, but I'm done with you. I'm not going to be left, I'm going to be the one who leaves," I snapped as some tears streamed down my face. I walked past him and bumped against his shoulder.

I walked over into the elevator and looked at Yuri one last time as the doors closed.
Once they were closed I threw myself back against the walls as I began trying to steady my heavy breathing as the tears streamed down my face.
"What the hell did I just do..." I mumbled.

Once the elevators opened I pushed myself to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in a stall.
I pulled my phone out to see it had been spammed with messages.
I didn't bother to read them though. I unlocked my phone and began scrolling through my phone. I first scoured through my social media but when that didn't work and I was still crying I went to Wattpad and began reading fanfiction. 

I sat in the bathroom for a good hour. Occasionally I would hear someone walk in, so I would silence my already near silent sobbing even more.

Soon after I felt better I finally walked out.

I walked down the lobby and slipped out into the streets.
I walked down the sidewalk with my head down.

I got to the local rink. I payed for entry and then I slipped on my skates and slid out into the middle of the rink.

I took a deep breath and began practicing.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I fell once more.
I slapped the ice with my fists, causing pain to shoot up them.
Tears threatened to spill out again but I fought them off this time.

People who hung out here looked over at me with weird or shocked looks.
I stepped off the ice and grew myself on the bench. My fist were now slightly bloody from how many times I had fallen and punched the ice like a child having a tantrum.

I pulled out bandaids that I kept in my bag and I bandaged up my fists.
I sat there.
"Fuck you Yuri Plisetky..." I mumbled.

I stood up and grabbed my bag as I walked out of the rink and walked back to the hotel.

I stepped into the lobby and was quickly swarmed by fans and paparazzi.
"Look it's y/n!" Some would yell.
Cameras flashed brightly in my face from the right.
"Omg y/n look over here!" A couple of girls screamed.
Cameras flashed brightly from in front of my face.
"I love you y/n!"
Cameras flashed brightly everywhere it seemed like.
I stood there feeling sick. I just wanted to be alone.
But was I ever alone now?
"I'm not feeling well, I need to head up to my room..." I said as I attempted to push myself through the crowd but failed as it only grew larger.
The bright flashes of light and the loud chatter around me made my stomach turn.
"Seriously I need to go..." I mumbled. But even I could barley hear myself.

"Look over here y/n!"
"I love you!"
"Can you sign this?"

I felt someone grab my wrist. I tried pulling myself away but I felt to weak. I was yanked through the crowed and pushed into the elevator. Once the doors closed I finally saw who my savior was.


"Y-YU-" I went to start going off on him but was cut off by him smashing his lips against mine.
I froze but quickly melted into it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he place his hands on my hips as he pulled me closer.
We pulled ourselves apart from each other when we finally needed air.
I looked in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have treated you like that. I really like you y/n and when I kissed you and you didn't kiss back I freaked out and ran off..."
"Shut up Plisetsky and kiss me again," was all I said.
He looked at me and smiled as he smashed his lips against mine again.
He held me against the wall of the elevator.
My hands tangled in his blonde hair.

We quickly pushed each other away when we heard the ding off the elevator and heard the doors opening.
We stepped out and looked at each other.

"I should go," I said quietly, still feeling sick.

"Yeah... see you later..." he waved me off.
I walked away and stepped into my room.

I sat down on my bed smiling like an idiot, but that didn't brush away the sick feeling in my stomach.

Yuri!!! on ice yurio x readerWhere stories live. Discover now